For b = 0.9 the unstable manifold accumulates on a smooth
attracting invariant circle. The stable manifold forms the boundary of
the basin of attraction (212K).
For b = 1.0 the unstable manifold intersects the stable
manifold. Note that the dynamics flips the two sides of the stable
manifold, so that the homoclinic intersections involve both sides. The
attractor seems smooth and persists after the homoclinic tangency (210K).
For b = 1.05 the attracting invariant circle is still smooth,
but is developing peaks that point to the stable manifold of the
circle of saddle type (219K).
For b = 1.073752 the attractor disappears, because it touches
its own basin boundary. Note that the stable manifold of the circle of
saddle type is not the basin boundary of the attractor
anymore. However, this manifold serves as an outer approximation
For b = 1.1 the attractor is gone (392K).