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Why study Mathematics?

  • it is the way we make sense of the world in terms of quantity, space and relationships
  • advancements in science, medicine, commerce and technology rely heavily on mathematics
  • it is the language through which nature, technology and reality is described
  • it is thus essential for almost every sphere of knowledge and activity in the modern world.
Mathematics leads to perhaps more diverse potential careers than any other discipline:

"I advise my students to listen carefully the moment they decide to take no more mathematics courses. They might be able to hear the sound of closing doors."

- James Caballero, "Everybody a mathematician?", in CAIP Quarterly, Fall 1989, 2(2), p.2

Why take Mathematics at The University of Auckland?

You will study with:

  • some of the top mathematicians in their field in the world

You will be offered:

  • a wide range of Courses for students with very diverse mathematical backgrounds and levels
  • degrees and diplomas in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education.
  • support through several programmes:
  • the possibility to study towards a mathematics major, or to add several Mathematics courses to your current major
  • a chance to play around mathematical ideas through two General Education courses

About Mathematics and Mathematicians

  • "Mathematics is not a careful march down a well-cleared highway, but a journey into a strange wilderness, where the explorers often get lost."
- W.S. Anglin
  • "If it's green, it's biology, If it stinks, it's chemistry,If it has numbers it's math, If it doesn't work, it's technology."
- Unknown
What is a Mathematician?
  • "A Mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems."
- Paul Erdös
  • "A mathematician is a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which isn't there"
- Charles R. Darwin
Most common assumptions about Mathematics students?

"They are training to be a teacher" or "They are training to be an accountant."

Actually, mathematics graduates take possibly more different avenues than any other subject.

Common assumptions about Mathematics?

"Too hard - don't understand it" and "Why bother? What practical use does it have?"

In fact, mathematics is an essential subject for almost all areas of knowledge in the modern world'!

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