Enrolling in a PhD in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics or Mathematics Education

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Departmental approval

Before enrolling in a PhD in Mathematics, you must gain Departmental approval. To obtain approval, please complete an online Application for a PhD in Mathematics form.

Once the Department has received the form, we will endeavour to notify you within a week whether or not you have been provisionally accepted. You may then enrol. Even if you are a current student we would like you to complete this form. </p>

The University on Postgraduate Admission webpage gives all details on how to enrol in a PhD programme, and provides links to the necessary online form, namely an Expression of Interest The Department will assist or advise you for filling in this `Expression of Interest'

The University of Auckland Expression of Interest

In summary, the Expression of Interest is completed in consultation with your supervisor and the PhD Advisor. This form requires you to state provisional goals for the first year. When completed, the digital form needs approval from the Department Research Committee, then from the Head of Department of Mathematics, the Faculty of Science and finally from the Board of Graduate Studies.

The Graduate Centre will then set up your enrolment. The process should take up to 8 weeks, after which time you will be notified of your success, or otherwise, and sent a fees invoice.

If your programme is accepted, and you have paid your fees, you become provisionally registered.

Your registration is confirmed after 12 months, provided you achieve your provisional goals.

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