School of Mathematics & Information Sciences
Student Resource Centre

Home Page
Contact SMIS
Staff Members

  • Who We Are
  • Staff
  • How to Contact us
  • Departmental Undergraduate Handbooks and Brochures
  • Handing-In Assignments for Marking
  • Missed Class Hand-Outs
  • TextBooks
  • DisketteSales
  • Additional Print & Internet Quota

    If you have any other enquiries, please do not hesitate to approach the staff in the Student Resource Centre who can (hopefully) point you in the right direction.

    Send suggestions and queries to:

  • Who We Are

    The Student Resource Centre serves the students of the School of Mathematical and Information Sciences and its constituent three departments:

  • Computer Science
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics

    We hope the following information will be of assistance to you as you settle into campus life at the University of Auckland.

    Staff Members

    Jaya Venugopalan SRC Manager e-mail:
    Muharram Khusainova Clerical Assistant e-mail:

    for general enquiries, please use the following e-mail address:

    Contact Details

    Where to find us
    Room B01, Basement Foyer,
    Mathematical and Physical Sciences Building,
    Auckland University City Campus
    38 Princes Street,

    Postal Address
    Student Resource Centre, School of Mathematical & Information Sciences, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand.

    +64 +9 373.7510.

    +64 +9 373.7018

    Departmental Undergraduate Handbooks And Brochures

    You may collect these from us free of charge, or from the General Office of the Department concerned. Departmental handbooks provide additional information to the University Calendar. The University Calendar also contains information on degree regulations. These publications complement each other and you should read both. You can purchase the University Calendar from the University Book Shop.

    Handing-In Assignments For Marking

    Your lecturer will advise you where to hand-in assignments for your particular paper. Most assignments, however, will be handed-in to the boxes in the basement foyer of the Maths/Physics Building. If you are handing assignments into these boxes, please take note of the following procedures.

    Procedures to follow:

  • Attach a cover sheet to your assignment. Unless your lecturer provides a special cover sheet for your assignment, cover sheets are available for each department from boxes outside the Student Resource Centre, in the basement of the Maths/Physics. Clearly complete all details on both sides of the cover sheet, and take extra care to hand it in to the correct box. Assignments handed-in to the wrong box will not be marked

  • Note: at all times please use the name exactly as stated on your ID Card; this ensures the correct entering of your marks on the class roll.

  • Keep a copy of all your assignments.

  • Hand them in on time, ie, before 4.00 p.m. on the due date, as assignment boxes are cleared at 4.00pm sharp.

  • The boxes are only emptied once. They are not cleared again the next day. Late Assignments will not be marked.

    Collection Of Assignments After Marking:

    Once your assignment has been marked, you can collect it from the return boxes outside the Student Resource Centre. This is generally a week to ten days after the due-in date. There may be unexpected delays, however, so please be patient. In any case, the Student Resource Centre staff will ensure that you receive your assignments as quickly as possible.

    Missed Class Hand-Outs

    From time to time you may miss out on collecting handouts in class. If you do miss a handout, firstly check the appropriate box outside the Student Resource Centre, as spare copies are placed in these boxes by lecturers. These copies are free. If the handout you require is not in the boxes, the other option is for you to collect it from the Student Resource Centre. There is a photocopying charge of 10 cents per side.

    Text Books

    The Student Resource Centre offers some text books and manuals for sale. All are printed in-house especially for students and are generally not available through book shops.Every effort is made to keep costs down for students through this service.Text book lists are available from the Student Resource Centre at the beginning of each semester. Other Text Books are generally available from the Univeristy Bookshop on Campus. Text Lists for these books can be obtained from the general office of the Department concerned.

    Diskette Sales

    High Density, 3.5" Computer disks can be purchased from the Student Resource Centre. These are available in either Macintosh or IBM format, so please specify which kind you wish to buy.

    Additional Computer Print and Internet Quota

    Each student is allocated a certain number of pages for laser printing at the beginning of the year, charged on a per-paper basis and covered in your fees at enrolment time. Once you have used up your allowance, you can buy additional pages from the Student Resource Centre. The charge is 10c per page, sold in whole dollar amounts (ie. $1.00, $2.00 etc). Similarly, students taking computer courses are allocated a certain amount of Internet Quota. Once this has been exhausted, you may purchase more from the Student Resource

    Centre, in whole dollar amounts. NB: In order to purchase Print Quota or Internet Quota, you must have your Student ID card with you, as there is a swipe-card system in place.

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