School of Mathematics & Information Sciences
Introduction to the School

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Professor Ivan Reilly
Message from the Director

The School of Mathematical & Information Sciences at The University of Auckland has New Zealand's largest and internationally best known group of Mathematical and Information Scientists (Computer Scientists, Mathematicians, Statiticians). Degrees and diplomas obtained from the University of Auckland with sepcialisation in the Mathematical and Information Sciences enjoy a strong and widespread recognition with employers in New Zealand and internationally.

The Staff of the three Departments of this School teach and research in many of the Faculties of the University of Auckland. It is possible to study any or all of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science in combination with a very wide range of other subjects, expecially in the Faculites of Science, Commerce and Arts for the degrees of BA, BCom and BSc. As well as being excellent majors the subjects taught by the Departments of this School are ideal supporting subjects for students of most other subjects.

Graduates of the School of Mathematical and Information Sciences will be the Statisticians, Computer Scientists and Mathematicians of today, tomorrow and the first decades of the next century. No-one knows the problems that they will have to solve. Therefore the teaching and research in this School must have broad goals. We must produce graduates who understand the fundamental principles on which our diciplines are based.

Handbooks are available for the Department of Statistics, Department of Mathematics and the Department of Computer Science, giving details of what papers are offered. Should you need further information please do not hesitate to call in to our School's Resource Centre in the basement of the Mathematics/Physics building, or phone or write.

We will be pleased to welcome you as a student in our School.

Professor Ivan Reilly,
School of Mathematical and Information Sciences