Keywords: finite tight frames, quaternionic equiangular lines, equi-isoclinic subspaces, quaternionic reflection groups, representations over the quaternions, Frobenius-Schur indicator, projective spherical t-designs, special and absolute bounds on lines, double cover of A_6. AMS (MOS) Subject Classifications: primary 05B30, 15B33, 20C25, 20G20, 51M05, 51M20, secondary 15B57, 51E99, 51M15, 65D30. spherical t-designs, spherical half-designs, tight spherical designs, finite tight frames, integration rules, cubature rules, cubature rules for the sphere, numerical optimisation, Manopt software, real algebraic variety
Math Review Classification: Primary 05B30, 15B33, 20C25, 20G20, 51M05, 51M20; Secondary 15B57, 51E99, 51M15, 65D30.
Length: 23 Pages
Last Updated: 25 November 2024