The walk must be in an officially recognised event, known as a centurion qualifier, and because of the restrictions on the walking technique, the event must be judged.
A person is entitled to be a centurion in more than one country or group of countries. Currently a person can be a centurion in
The first rule is easy to obey and is enforced in centurion walking. The second rule is very difficult to obey for more than about 50
kilometres and is relaxed a little in centurion walking. The extent to which
the rule is relaxed varies slightly from country to country. In New Zealand, the leading leg
can be bent slightly provided the walker does not gain an advantage from any springing action.
The table below lists the following
information for these centurions: their centurion number, their name, their country of
residence at the time of the qualification, their sex, the time they took to complete the 100
miles, and their year of qualification.
Last modified: October 11, 2017.
3. Designation
When a person becomes a centurion they are given the designation Cn. The C standards for
Centurion and n is the count on the number of people who have achieved centurion status
in the country or group of countries. For example, a designation
of C39 means the person was the thirty-ninth person to become a centurion in the country.
If there is possible confusion as to which country is being referred to, a prefix is
added: Aus for Australia, Eur or Con for Europe, Mal for Malaysia, NZ for
New Zealand, SA for South Africa, UK for United Kingdom, and US for United States of America. A person can have more than one
designation. Thus a person with the designations of UK C11341 and Aus C1001 would mean
the person was the 11,341-st person to gain centurion status in the UK and the 1001-st
to gain the status in Australia.
4. New Zealand centurions
When the person satisfies the requirements of a centurion in New Zealand, they are known as
a New Zealand centurion. The person does not have to be a New Zealander. As of
October 11, 2017,
twenty-four walkers from six countries have qualified as New Zealand centurions:
nine from New Zealand, five from England, four from Australia, three from the Netherlands,
two from Belgium, and one from Germany. Two-thirds of the walkers were men and one
third women.
C1 Ross Pilkington New Zealand
M 23:23:40 1968 C2 Gerald Manderson New Zealand
M 21:37:31 1998 C3 Norm Morris New Zealand
M 22:32:47 1998 C4 Sandra Brown England
F 19:00:47 1999 C5 Bob Lee New Zealand
M 22:06:26 2000 C6 Carol Baird Australia
F 20:55:46 2001 C7 Parminder Bhatti England
M 21:18:58 2001 C8 Jill Green England
F 22:18:08 2001 C9 Herbert Neubacher Germany
M 22:18:08 2001 C10 Susan Clements England
F 23:00:05 2001 C11 Geoff Tranter England
M 23:04:37 2001 C12 Maureen Metcalfe New Zealand
F 23:47:08 2001 C13 Peter Baillie New Zealand
M 22:15:32 2004 C14 Geoff Hain Australia
M 23:37:24 2005 C15 Rudy Schoors Belgium
M 21:37:25 2010 C16 Andrew Shelley New Zealand
M 21:37:55 2010 C17 Caroline Mestdagh Belgium
F 22:51:46 2010 C18 Cliff Harrison New Zealand
M 23:22:42 2013 C19 Richard McChesney New Zealand
M 23:41:00 2013 C20 Sharon Scholz Australia
F 22:24:28 2015 C21 Justin Scholz Australia
M 22:24:28 2015 C22 Marco Bloemerts Netherlands
M 22:43:30 2017 C23 Gertrude Achterberg Netherlands
F 23:29:45 2017 C24 Arie Kandelaars Netherlands
M 23:36:29 2017