Fourteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, ANTS-XIV,
University of Auckland, New Zealand
June 29 - July 4, 2020

The ANTS meetings, held biannually since 1994, are the premier international forum for the presentation of new research in computational number theory and its applications. They are devoted to algorithmic aspects of number theory, including elementary number theory, algebraic number theory, analytic number theory, geometry of numbers, algebraic geometry, finite fields, and cryptography.
The 14th ANTS meeting was intended to be held at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, on June 30 - July 4, 2020. But of course, due to COVID-19 the conference has been turned into an online conference. As a result of very generous sponsorship from The National Science Foundation (NSF), The Number Theory Foundation (NTF), and the University of Auckland, the conference registration is free.
The meeting will be followed by an online workshop on the Mathematics of Post-Quantum crypto at the following times (approximately):
- Monday 6th UTC 3am-6am.
- Monday 6th UTC 9pm-midnight.
- Tuesday 7th UTC 9pm-midnight.
- The conference proceedings are published by Mathematical Sciences Publishers (MSP) as Volume 4 of the Open Book Series.
- The summer schools will take place on June 25-27. You should have been contacted directly by the summer school organisers if you have registered for the conference and ticked the box that said you were interested in the summer school.
- Click here for a welcome video and short virtual tour of the University of Auckland.
- Please register by midnight (your timezone) on Wednesday June 24. We do not guarantee that people who register after this time will have full access to all the online aspects of the conference. If you wish to attend a summer school then please register before Sunday June 21.
- June 1st, 2020: Registration is open.
- Update May 23, 2020: Registration will be free. But to participate you must register and agree to the code of conduct. Registration will be open in early June. List of accepted papers is now online.
- Update May 13, 2020: ANTS will take place as an online conference over zoom in the week June 29-July 4. We will schedule sessions at various times, to try to accommodate as many timezones as possible. Sessions will mainly be within normal working hours in the USA (hence mornings in Asia/Australia/NZ and afternoons/evenings in Europe).
- The deadline for submitting a poster is April 20. Please visit the Call for Posters.
- Submission deadline: Feb 25, 2020
- July 2019: Announcement of ANTS 2020 and website launch.
Invited Speakers
- Andrew Booker (Bristol, UK)
- David Harvey (UNSW, Australia)
- Isabel Vogt (Stanford, USA)
- David Jao (Waterloo, Canada)
- Felipe Voloch (Canterbury, New Zealand)
- Rachel Pries (Colorado State University, USA)
Related events
- Workshop on the Mathematics of Post-Quantum crypto, July 6-8. Will be online. Details will come at the last minute.
- International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2020). Now a virtual conference.
- Géométrie algébrique, Théorie des nombres et Applications, GTA 2020, 16-20 August 2021, Tahiti, French Polynesia.
Organising committee:
- Steven Galbraith (University of Auckland)
The local organiser is Steven Galbraith.
Program committee:
- Divesh Aggarwal, NUS, Singapore
- Reinier Broker, Center for Communications Research, USA
- Wouter Castryck, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Jung Hee Cheon, Seoul National University, Korea
- Brendan Creutz, Canterbury, NZ
- Kirsten Eisentraeger, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Claus Fieker, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
- Tom Fisher, Cambridge, UK
- Steven Galbraith, Auckland, NZ (chair)
- David Harvey, UNSW, Australia
- Michael Jacobson, University of Calgary, Canada
- Elena Kirshanova, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia
- Thorsten Kleinjung, EPFL, Switzerland
- Chloe Martindale, Bristol, UK
- Michael Naehrig, Microsoft, USA
- Alina Ostafe, UNSW, Australia
- Jen Paulhus, Grinnell College, USA
- Christophe Petit, Birmingham, UK
- Kate Stange, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
- Marco Streng, Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands
- Andrew Sutherland, MIT, USA
- Emmanuel Thomé, INRIA, Nancy, France
- Christelle Vincent, University of Vermont, USA
- Alexandre Wallet, NTT Laboratories, Japan
Selfridge Prize
At each ANTS meeting, the Selfridge Prize is awarded to the best submitted paper as judged by the program committee. The prize is funded by the Number Theory Foundation.
University of Auckland, National Science Foundation, Number Theory Foundation

Recent ANTS conferences
- ANTS-XIII, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, July 2018
- ANTS-XII, Kaiserslautern, Germany, August 2016
- ANTS-XI, Gyeongju, South Korea, August 2014
- ANTS-X, San Diego, USA, July 2012
- ANTS-IX, INRIA, Nancy, France, July 19-23, 2010.
- ANTS-VIII, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 17-22, 2008.
- ANTS-VII, Berlin, Germany, July 23-28, 2006.
- See also the Wikipedia entry for ANTS.