Up: Alphabetically ordered list
Category: Software for continuation / Software for PDE's


a Newton-Picard single shooting code

This code implements some Newton-Picard single shooting algorithms for the continuation of periodic solutions of large-scale problems. The method tries to exploit the fact that many systems have only low-dimensional dynamics. Although the primary goal was the computation of periodic solutions of PDE's, the code can also be used for large ODE systems.

Note that the code is a research code. The current code is probably not as clean as it should be. It has been tested on several UNIX systems. You'll need an ANSI C compliant compiler, a Fortran 77 compiler and GNU make to build the code. Also, LaTeX is needed for the documentation. Although I know of someone who managed to install the code on a PC, this was a highly untrivial thing to do and required changes to the filenames and the code itself. I am now working on a new code that has a slightly cleaner design. Also, since I'm sitting now using a PC myself, this newer code will at least also run on Windows NT machines. At this time, I cannot give a release date for that code.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: the code is free for non-commercial use. Note that every use of the code is at your own risk. I do not guarantee that the code is bug-free or suited for your problem. This is a typical research code and by no means a finished product. Also, if you obtain good results, I would be glad to hear about it and to receive a copy of the paper(s) in which the results are reported.

Information about the most recent version and a pointer for download can be found on the PDECONT home page.

Contact person for PDECONT is Kurt Lust ( Kurt.Lust@cs.kuleuven.ac.be).


Up: Alphabetically ordered list
Category: Software for continuation / Software for PDE's
Written by: Kurt Lust ( Kurt.Lust@cs.kuleuven.ac.be).

Comments to: Hinke Osinga (H.M.Osinga@bristol.ac.uk)
Created: Oct 31 1997 --- Last modified: Wed Sep 5 16:23:02 2001