SCDO2016 - Tuesday Talks

Seiya Negami (Plenary talk)
Faithful embedding of graphs on closed surfaces

Yumiko Ohno
Triad colorings of triangulations on closed surfaces

Antonio Montero
Equivelar toroids with few flag-orbits

Egon Schulte
Semiregular Polytopes and Amalgamated C-Groups

Barry Monson
Manufacturing Permutation Representations of Monodromy Groups of Polytopes

José Collins
Amalgamations of 2-orbit polytopes

Isabel Hubard (Plenary talk) Chirality in abstract polytopes

Chunhui Lai
Some problems on covering of graphs

Shaofei Du
Lifting Theorem and Group Extensions

Luke Morgan
Semiprimitive Groups: Are they wild or just misunderstood?

Sara Zemljic
Symmetries and orbits of Sierpinski graphs

Pavel Klavik
Automorphism Groups of Geometrically Represented Graphs
