Publications of Bernd Krauskopf
[ Journal Publications
| Preprints
| Books
| Book Chapters
| Proceedings Contributions ]
Journal Publications
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| to appear
| submitted]
pre 1997
B. Krauskopf,
Convergence of Julia sets in the approximation of lambda exp(z) by
lambda [1+(z/d)]d,
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 3(2) (1993) 257-270
B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation sequences at 1:4 resonance: an inventory,
7(3) (1994) 1073-1091
B. Krauskopf,
The bifurcation set for the 1:4 resonance problem,
Experimental Mathematics
3(2) (1994) 107-128
B. Krauskopf,
The extended parameter space of a model for
1:4 resonance,
CWI Quarterly 8(3) (1995) 237-255
B. Krauskopf and H. Kriete,
A note on non-converging Julia sets,
Nonlinearity 9(2) (1996) 601-603
B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcations at infinity in a model for 1:4 resonance,
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems 17(4) (1997)
B. Krauskopf and H. Kriete,
Kernel convergence of hyperbolic components,
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems
17(5) (1997) 1137-1146
B. Krauskopf and H. Kriete,
Hausdorff convergence and the limit shape of the
Experimental Mathematics
6(2) (1997) 117-135;
featured on the cover
B. Krauskopf and C. Rousseau,
Codimension-three unfoldings of reflectionally
symmetric planar vector fields,
Nonlinearity 10(5) (1997) 1115-1150
B. Krauskopf, W.A. van der Graaf, and D. Lenstra,
Bifurcations of
relaxation oscillations in an optically injected diode laser,
Quantum Semicl. Optics
9(5) (1997) 797-809;
featured on the cover
B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Globalizing two-dimensional unstable manifolds of
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos
8(3) (1998) 483-503;
featured on the cover
- B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Growing 1D and quasi 2D unstable manifolds of maps,
J. Computational Physics 146(1) (1998) 404-419;
with Multimedia enhancements at preprint 98-57 of
A.I. Khibnik, B. Krauskopf, and C. Rousseau,
Global study of a family of cubic Liénard equations,
Nonlinearity 11(6) (1998) 1505-1519;
Multimedia enhancements
B. Krauskopf, N. Tollenaar, and D. Lenstra,
Tori and their bifurcations in an
optically injected semiconductor laser,
Optics Communications 156(1-3) (1998) 158-169
B. Krauskopf, G.R. Gray, and D. Lenstra,
Semiconductor laser with phase-conjugate feedback:
Dynamics and bifurcations,
Physical Review E
58(6) (1998) 7190-7197
- B. Krauskopf and H. Kriete,
Hausdorff convergence of Julia sets,
Bulletin Belgian Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 6(1) (1999) 69-76
J.L.A. Dubbeldam and B. Krauskopf,
Self-pulsations of lasers with saturable absorber:
dynamics and bifurcations,
Optics Communications 159(4-6) (1999) 325-338
B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Two-dimensional global manifolds of vector fields,
Chaos 9(3) (1999) 768-774;
with Multimedia
J.L.A. Dubbeldam, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Excitability and coherence resonance in lasers with saturable absorber,
Physical Review E
60(6) (1999) 6580-6588
S.M. Wieczorek, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
A unifying view of bifurcations in a semiconductor laser
subject to optical injection,
Optics Communications 172(1-6) (1999) 279-295
B. Krauskopf, G.H.M. van Tartwijk and G.R. Gray,
Symmetry properties of lasers subject to optical feedback,
Optics Communications 177(1-6) (2000) 347-353
B. Krauskopf,
Chaos in halfgeleiderlasers,
Nederlands tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde
66(6) (2000) 188-192;
featured on the cover
C. Degen, B. Krauskopf, G. Jennemann, I. Fischer, and W. Elsässer,
Polarization selective
symmetry breaking in the nearfields of vertical cavity surface
emitting lasers,
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics
2(4) (2000) 517-525; with
Multimedia enhancements;
featured on the cover
B. Krauskopf, S.M. Wieczorek and D. Lenstra,
Different types of chaos in an optically injected semiconductor laser,
Applied Physics Letters 77(11) (2000)
S.M. Wieczorek, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Mechanisms for multistability in a semiconductor laser
with optical injection,
Optics Communications 183(1-4) (2000) 215-226
- A.J. Homburg and B. Krauskopf,
Resonant homoclinic flip bifurcations, Journal of Dynamics
and Differential Equations 12(4) (2000) 807-850
B.E. Oldeman, B. Krauskopf and A.R. Champneys,
Death of period-doublings: locating the homoclinic-doubling cascade,
Physica D, 146(1-4) (2000) 100-120
B.E. Oldeman, B. Krauskopf and A.R. Champneys,
Numerical unfoldings of codimension-three resonant homoclinic flip
14(3) (2001) 597-621
S.M. Wieczorek, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Sudden chaotic transitions in an optically injected semiconductor laser,
Optics Letters 26(11) (2001) 816-818
S.M. Wieczorek, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Unnested islands of period-doublings in an injected semiconductor laser,
Physical Review E
64 056204 (2001) 1-9
S.M. Wieczorek, B. Krauskopf, and D. Lenstra,
Multipulse excitability in a semiconductor laser with optical injection,
Physical Review Letters
88(6) 063901 (2002) 1-4
S.M. Wieczorek, T.B. Simpson, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Global quantitative predictions of complex laser dynamics,
Physical Review E
65(4) 045207(R) (2002) 1-4
K. Green and B. Krauskopf,
Global bifurcations and bistability at the locking boundaries of a semiconductor
laser with phase-conjugate feedback,
Physical Review E,
66(1) 016220 (2002) 1-6
H.M. Osinga and B. Krauskopf,
Visualizing chaos in the Lorenz system,
Computers and Graphics 26(5) (2002) 815-823
B. Krauskopf and S.M. Wieczorek,
Accumulating regions of winding periodic orbits in optically driven lasers,
Physica D 173(1-2) (2002) 97-113
K. Green, B. Krauskopf and K. Engelborghs,
Bistability and torus break-up in a semiconductor laser with
phase-conjugate feedback,
Physica D 173(1-2) (2002) 114-129
P. Collins and B. Krauskopf,
Entropy and bifurcations in a chaotic laser,
Physical Review E
66(5) 056201 (2002) 1-8
D. Han, I.D. Cluckie, D. Karbassioun, J. Lawry and B. Krauskopf,
River flow modelling using fuzzy decision trees,
Water Resources Management 16 (2002) 431-445
S.M. Wieczorek, T.B. Simpson, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Bifurcation transitions in an optically injected diode laser: theory and experiment,
Optics Communications 215(1-3) (2003) 125-134
B. Krauskopf, K.R. Schneider, J. Sieber, S.M. Wieczorek, and M. Wolfrum,
Excitability and self-pulsations near homoclinic bifurcations in semiconductor
laser systems,
Optics Communications 215(4-6) (2003) 367-379
B. Krauskopf and K. Green,
Computing unstable manifolds of periodic orbits in delay differential equations,
J. Computational Physics 186(1) (2003) 230-249
K. Green, B. Krauskopf and G. Samaey,
A two-parameter study of the locking region of a semiconductor laser subject
to phase-conjugate feedback,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
2(2) (2003) 254-276
T. Heil, I. Fischer, W. Elsässer, B. Krauskopf,
K. Green, and A. Gavrielides,
Delay dynamics of semiconductor lasers with short external
cavities: bifurcation scenarios and mechanisms,
Physical Review E 67(6)
066214 (2003) 1-11
B. Krauskopf,
Chaos en licht,
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5/4(3) (2003) 209-214
K. Green and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation analysis of frequency locking in a semiconductor laser with
phase-conjugate feedback,
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 13(9) (2003) 2589-2601
B.E. Oldeman, A.R. Champneys and B. Krauskopf,
Homoclinic branch switching: a numerical implementation of Lin's method,
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 13(10) (2003) 2977-2999
T. Erneux, A. Gavrielides, K. Green and B. Krauskopf,
External cavity modes of semiconductor lasers with phase-conjugate feedback,
Physical Review E
68(6) 066205 (2003) 1-9
B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Computing geodesic level sets on global (un)stable manifolds of vector fields,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
2(4) (2003) 546-569
B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
The Lorenz manifold as a collection of geodesic level sets,
17(1) (2004) C1-C6; with
Multimedia enhancements;
featured on the cover
J. Sieber and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation analysis of an inverted pendulum
with delayed feedback control near a triple-zero eigenvalue singularity,
17(1) (2004) 85-103
K. Green and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation analysis of a semiconductor laser subject to non-instantaneous
phase-conjugate feedback,
Optics Communications 231(1-6) (2004) 383-393
B. Krauskopf and B.E. Oldeman,
A planar model system for the
saddle-node Hopf bifurcation with global reinjection,
17(4) (2004) 1119-1151
K. Green, B. Krauskopf and K. Engelborghs,
One-dimensional unstable eigenfunction and manifold computations in
delay differential equations,
J. Computational Physics 197(1) (2004) 86-98
J.P. England, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Computing one-dimensional stable manifolds of planar maps without
the inverse,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 3(2) (2004) 161-190
G. Orosz, R.E. Wilson and B. Krauskopf,
Global bifurcation investigation of an optimal velocity traffic
model with driver reaction time,
Physical Review E
70(2) 026207 (2004) 1-10
J. Sieber and B. Krauskopf,
Complex balancing motions of an inverted pendulum subject to
delayed feedback control,
Physica D 197(3-4) (2004) 332-345
H.M. Osinga and B. Krauskopf,
Crocheting the Lorenz manifold,
The Mathematical Intelligencer 26(4) (2004) 25-37;
featured on the cover
S.M. Wieczorek and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcations of n-homoclinic orbits in optically injected lasers,
18(3) (2005) 1095-1120
B. Krauskopf , H.M. Osinga, E.J. Doedel, M.E. Henderson, J. Guckenheimer,
A. Vladimirsky, M. Dellnitz and O. Junge,
A survey of methods for computing (un)stable manifolds of vector fields,
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 15(3) (2005) 763-791;
featured on the cover
J.P. England, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Bifurcations of stable sets in noninvertible planar maps,
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 15(3) (2005) 891-904
J. Sieber and B. Krauskopf,
Extending the permissible control loop latency for the controlled
inverted pendulum,
Dynamical Systems 20(2) (2005) 189-199
S.M. Wieczorek, B. Krauskopf, T.B. Simpson and D. Lenstra,
The dynamical complexity of optically injected
semiconductor lasers,
Physics Reports 416(1-2) (2005) 1-128
D.A.W. Barton, B. Krauskopf and R.E. Wilson,
Explicit periodic solutions in a model of a relay controller with delay
and forcing,
18(6) (2005) 2637-2656
H. Erzgräber, D. Lenstra, B. Krauskopf, E. Wille, M. Peil,
I. Fischer and W. Elsässer,
Mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers: mode
bifurcation scenarios,
Optics Communications 255(4-6) (2005) 286-296
G. Orosz, B. Krauskopf and R.E. Wilson,
Bifurcations and multiple traffic jams in a car-following model
with reaction time delay,
Physica D 211(3-4) (2005) 277-293
H. Erzgräber, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Mode structure of delay-coupled semiconductor lasers: influence of the pump current,
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics
7(11) (2005) 361-371
J.P. England, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Computing one-dimensional global manifolds of Poincaré maps
by continuation,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
4(4) (2005) 1008-1041
M.I. Wallace, J. Sieber, S.A. Neild, D.J. Wagg and B. Krauskopf,
Stability analysis of real-time dynamic substructuring using delay
differential equation models,
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
34(15) (2005) 1817-1832
K. Green and B. Krauskopf,
Mode structure of a semiconductor laser subject to filtered optical feedback,
Optics Communications
258(2) (2006) 243-255
H. Erzgräber, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Compound laser modes of mutually delay-coupled lasers,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
5(1) (2006) 30-65
H. Erzgräber, B. Krauskopf, D. Lenstra, A.P.A. Fischer and G. Vemuri,
Frequency versus relaxation oscillations
in a semiconductor laser with coherent filtered optical feedback,
Physical Review E
73(5) 055201(R) (2006) 1-4
B. Krauskopf and B.E. Oldeman,
Bifurcations of global reinjection orbits near a
saddle-node Hopf bifurcation,
19(9) (2006) 2149-2167
D.A.W. Barton, B. Krauskopf and R.E. Wilson,
Periodic solutions and their bifurcations in a non-smooth
second-order delay differential equation,
Dynamical Systems 21(3) (2006) 289-311
D.A.W. Barton, B. Krauskopf and R.E. Wilson,
Collocation schemes for periodic solutions of neutral delay
differential equations,
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
12(11) (2006) 1087-1101
E.J. Doedel, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Global bifurcations of the Lorenz manifold,
19(12) (2006) 2947-2972
S. Valling, B. Krauskopf, T. Fordell and A. Lindberg,
Experimental bifurcation diagram of a solid state laser with
optical injection,
Optics Communications
271(2) (2007) 532-542
H. Erzgräber, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Bifurcation analysis of a semiconductor laser with
filtered optical feedback,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
6(1) (2007) 1-28
D.A.W. Barton, B. Krauskopf and R.E. Wilson,
Homoclinic bifurcations in a neutral delay model of a transmission line
20(4) (2007) 809-829
J.P. England, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Computing two-dimensional global invariant manifolds in
slow-fast systems,
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 17(3) (2007) 805-822
B. Krauskopf, H.M. Osinga and B.B. Peckham,
Unfolding the cusp-cusp bifurcation of planar endomorphisms,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 6(2) (2007) 403-440
H.M. Osinga and B. Krauskopf,
Visualizing curvature on the Lorenz manifold,
Journal of Mathematics and the Arts 1(2) (2007) 113-123
V. Rottschäfer and B. Krauskopf,
The ECM-backbone of the Lang-Kobayashi equations: a geometric picture,
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 17(5) (2007) 1575-1588
K. Green, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
External cavity mode structure of a two-mode VCSEL
subject to optical feedback,
Optics Communications 277(2) (2007) 359-371
H. Erzgräber and B. Krauskopf,
Dynamics of a filtered-feedback laser: influence of the filter width,
Optics Letters 32(16) (2007) 2441-2443
H. Erzgräber, D. Lenstra, B. Krauskopf, A.P.A. Fischer and G. Vemuri,
Feedback phase sensitivity of a semiconductor laser subject to
filtered optical feedback: experiment and theory,
Physical Review E 76(2) (2007) 026212
J. Sieber and B. Krauskopf,
Control-based continuation of periodic orbits with a time-delayed
difference scheme,
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 17(8) (2007) 2579-2593;
featured on the cover
J. Sieber and B. Krauskopf,
Control-based bifurcation analysis for experiments,
Nonlinear Dynamics 51(3) (2008) 365-377
F. Schilder, J. Rübel, J. Starke, H.M. Osinga, B. Krauskopf and M. Inagaki,
Efficient computation of quasi-periodic oscillations in nonlinear
systems with fast rotating parts,
Nonlinear Dynamics 51(4) (2008) 529-539
M. Desroches, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Mixed-mode oscillations and slow manifolds in the
self-coupled FitzHugh Nagumo system,
Chaos 18(1) (2008) 015107;
featured on the cover
J. Sieber and B. Krauskopf,
Tracking oscillations in the presence of
delay-induced essential instability,
Journal of Sound and Vibration 315(3) (2008) 781-795
B. Krauskopf and T. Riess,
A Lin's method approach to finding and continuing heteroclinic
connections involving periodic orbits,
21(8) (2008) 1655-1690
J. Sieber, A. Gonzalez-Buelga, S.A. Neild, D.J. Wagg and B. Krauskopf,
Experimental continuation of periodic orbits through a fold,
Physical Review Letters
100(24) (2008) 244101;
featured by Physical Review
C.M. Lee, P.J. Collins, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Tangency bifurcations of global Poincaré maps,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
7(3) (2008) 712-754
M. Desroches, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
The geometry of slow manifolds near a folded node,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
7(4) (2008) 1131-1162
H. Erzgräber, S.M. Wieczorek and B. Krauskopf,
Dynamics of two laterally coupled semiconductor lasers: strong- and
weak-coupling theory,
Physical Review E
78(6) (2008) 066201
H. Erzgräber, E. Wille, B. Krauskopf and I. Fischer,
Amplitude-phase dynamics near the locking region of two
delay-coupled semiconductor lasers,
22(3) (2009) 585-600
K. Green, B. Krauskopf, F.B. Marten and D. Lenstra,
Bifurcation analysis of a spatially extended laser with
optical feedback,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
8(1) (2009) 222-252
J. Rankin, E. Coetzee, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Bifurcation and stability analysis of aircraft turning manoeuvres,
of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
32(2) (2009) 500-511
B. Krauskopf, C.M. Lee and H.M. Osinga,
Codimension-one tangency bifurcations of global Poincaré maps of
four-dimensional vector fields,
22(5) (2009) 1091-1121
P. Thota, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Interaction of torsion and lateral bending in
aircraft nose landing gear shimmy,
Nonlinear Dynamics
57(3) (2009) 455-467
H. Erzgräber, S.M. Wieczorek and B. Krauskopf,
Locking behaviour of three coupled laser oscillators,
Physical Review E
80(2) (2009) 026212
M. Desroches, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
The geometry of mixed-mode oscillations in the Olsen model for
the peroxidase-oxidase reaction,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S
2(4) (2009) 807-827
M.H. Adhikari, J.H. Heeroma, M. Di Bernardo, B. Krauskopf,
M.P. Richardson, M.C. Walker and J.R. Terry,
Characterisation of cortical activity in response to deep brain
stimulation of ventral lateral nucleus: modelling and experiment,
of Neuroscience Methods
183(1) (2009) 77-85
G. Kiss and B. Krauskopf,
Stability implications of delay distribution for
first-order and second-order systems,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
13(2) (2010) 327-345
P. Thota, B. Krauskopf and M.H. Lowenberg,
Bifurcation analysis of nose landing gear shimmy with lateral and
longitudinal bending,
Journal of Aircraft
47(1) (2010) 87-95
M. Desroches, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Numerical continuation of canard orbits in slow-fast dynamical
23(3) (2010) 739-765
J. Rankin, B. Krauskopf, M.L. Lowenberg and E. Coetzee,
Operational parameter study
of aircraft dynamics on the ground,
Journal of Computational and
Nonlinear Dynamics 5(2) (2010) 021007
H. Erzgräber, S.M. Wieczorek and B. Krauskopf,
Dynamics of two semiconductor lasers coupled by a passive
Physical Review E
81(5) (2010) 056201
D.A.W. Barton, B. Krauskopf and R.E. Wilson,
Nonlinear dynamics of torsional waves in a drill-string model
with spatial extent,
Journal of Vibration and Control
16(7-8) (2010) 1049-1065
E. Coetzee, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Application of bifurcation methods for the prediction of
low-speed aircraft ground performance,
Journal of Aircraft
47(4) (2010) 1248-1255
P. Thota, B. Krauskopf, M.H. Lowenberg and E. Coetzee,
Influence of tire inflation pressure on nose
landing gear shimmy,
Journal of Aircraft
47(5) (2010) 1697-1706
J. Rankin, B. Krauskopf, M.L. Lowenberg, and E. Coetzee,
Nonlinear analysis of lateral loading during taxiway turns,
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
33(6) (2010) 1708-1717
J. Sieber, B. Krauskopf, D.J. Wagg, S.A. Neild, A. Gonzalez-Buelga,
Control-based continuation of unstable periodic orbits,
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
6(1) (2011) 011005
P. Aguirre, E.J. Doedel, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Investigating the consequences of global bifurcations
for two-dimensional invariant manifolds of vector fields,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A
29(4) (2011) 1309-1344
G. Kiss and B. Krauskopf,
Stabilizing effect of delay distribution for a class of second-order
systems without instantaneous feedback,
Dynamical Systems
26(1) (2011) 85-101
J.A.C. Knowles, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Numerical continuation applied to landing gear mechanism analysis,
of Aircraft
48(4) (2011) 1254-1262
M.R. Marsico, V. Tzanov, D.J. Wagg, S.A. Neild and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation analysis of a parametrically excited inclined cable close
to two-to-one internal resonance,
Journal of Sound and Vibration
330(24) (2011) 6023-6035
E.J. Doedel, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Global invariant manifolds in the transition to
preturbulence in the Lorenz system,
Indagationes Mathematicae
22(3-4) (2011) 223-241
E. Coetzee, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Analysis of medium-speed runway exit manoeuvres,
of Aircraft
48(5) (2011) 1553-1564
J. Rankin, M. Desroches, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Canard cycles in aircraft ground dynamics,
Nonlinear Dynamics
66(4) (2011) 681-688
W. Zhang, B. Krauskopf and V. Kirk,
How to find a codimension-one heteroclinic cycle between two periodic
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A
32(8) (2012) 2825-2851
M. Desroches, J. Guckenheimer, B. Krauskopf, C. Kuehn, H.M. Osinga and
M. Wechselberger,
Mixed-mode oscillations with multiple time scales,
SIAM Review 54(2) (2012) 211-288;
featured on the cover
P. Thota, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Multi-parameter bifurcation study of shimmy oscillations in a dual-wheel
aircraft nose landing gear,
Nonlinear Dynamics 70(2) (2012) 1675-1688
J.A.C. Knowles, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Numerical continuation analysis of a three-dimensional aircraft
main landing gear mechanism,
Nonlinear Dynamics 71(1-2) (2013) 331-352
E. Coetzee, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Continuation analysis of aircraft ground loads during
high-speed turns,
Journal of Aircraft 50(1) (2013) 217-231
C. Howcroft, B. Krauskopf, M.L. Lowenberg and S.A. Neild,
Influence of variable side-stay geometry on the shimmy dynamics
of an aircraft dual-wheel main landing gear,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
12(3) (2013) 1181-1209;
featured as a SIAM Nugget
S. Hittmeyer, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Interacting global invariant sets in a planar map model of wild chaos,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
12(3) (2013) 1280-1329
P. Aguirre, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Global invariant manifolds near homoclinic orbits to a
real saddle: (non)orientability and flip bifurcation,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
12(4) (2013) 1803-1846
S.J. Gill, M.L. Lowenberg, S.A. Neild, B. Krauskopf, G. Puyou and
E. Coetzee,
Upset dynamics of an airliner model: a nonlinear bifurcation
of Aircraft
50(6) (2013) 1832-1842
C. Howcroft, M.L. Lowenberg, S.A. Neild and B. Krauskopf,
Effects of freeplay on the dynamic stability of an aircraft main
landing gear,
of Aircraft
50(6) (2013) 1908-1922
J.A.C. Knowles, B. Krauskopf, M.L. Lowenberg and S.A. Neild,
Numerical continuation analysis of a dual-sidestay
main landing gear mechanism,
of Aircraft
51(1) (2014) 129-143
N. Terkovics, S.A. Neild, M.L. Lowenberg and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation analysis of a coupled nose-landing-gear-fuselage system,
of Aircraft
51(1) (2014) 259-272
P. Langfield, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Solving Winfree's puzzle: the isochrons in the FitzHugh-Nagumo model,
Chaos 24 (2014) 013131
P. Aguirre, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Global invariant manifolds near a Shilnikov homoclinic bifurcation,
Journal of Computational Dynamics 1(1) (2014) 1-38
M. Elmegård, B. Krauskopf, H.M. Osinga, J. Starke, and J.J. Thomsen,
Bifurcation analysis of a smoothed model of a forced impacting beam
and comparison with an experiment,
Nonlinear Dynamics 77(3) (2014) 951-966
B. Krauskopf and J. Sieber,
Bifurcation analysis of delay-induced resonances of the El-Niño
Southern Oscillation,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470(2169) (2014) 20140348
V. Tzanov, B. Krauskopf and S.A. Neild,
Vibration dynamics of an inclined cable excited near its second
natural frequency,
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 24(9) (2014) 1430024
J.A.C. Knowles, M.L. Lowenberg, S.A. Neild and B. Krauskopf,
A bifurcation study to guide the design of a landing gear
with a combined uplock/downlock mechanism,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A
470(2172) (2014) 20140332
A.S. Purewal, C.M. Postlethwaite and B. Krauskopf,
Effect of delay mismatch in Pyragas feedback control,
Physical Review E
90 (2014) 052905
E.J. Doedel, B. Krauskopf and C.L. Pando L.,
A numerical bifurcation study of a basic model of
two coupled lasers with saturable absorption,
The European Physical Journal - Special Topics
223(13) (2014) 2847-2856
A.S. Purewal, C.M. Postlethwaite and B. Krauskopf,
A global bifurcation analysis of the subcritical Hopf normal form
subject to Pyragas time-delayed feedback control,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
13(4) (2014) 1879-1915
P. Słowiński, B. Krauskopf and S.M. Wieczorek,
Mode structure of a semiconductor laser with feedback from two
external filters,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
20(2) (2015) 519-586
J.L. Creaser, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
α-flips and T-points in the Lorenz system,
28(3) (2015) R39-R65
J. Guckenheimer, B. Krauskopf, H.M. Osinga and B. Sandstede,
Invariant manifolds and global bifurcations,
Chaos 25(9) (2015) 097604
C. Howcroft, M.L. Lowenberg, S.A. Neild, B. Krauskopf and E. Coetzee,
Shimmy of an aircraft main landing gear with
geometric coupling and mechanical freeplay,
Journal of Computational and
Nonlinear Dynamics
10(5) (2015) 051011
S. Hittmeyer, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Interactions of the Julia set with critical and (un)stable sets in
an angle-doubling map on C \ {0},
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos
25(4) (2015) 1530013
A. Keane, B. Krauskopf and C.M. Postlethwaite,
Delayed feedback versus seasonal forcing: resonance phenomena in an El
Niño Southern Oscillation model,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
14(3) (2015) 1229-1257
S. Sharma, E. Coetzee, M.L Lowenberg, S.A. Neild and B. Krauskopf,
Numerical continuation and bifurcation analysis in aircraft design:
an industrial perspective,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A
373 (2015) 20140406;
featured on the cover
P. Langfield, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Forward-time and backward-time isochrons, and their interactions,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
14(3) (2015) 1418-1453
S. Hittmeyer, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
From wild Lorenz-like to wild Rovella-like dynamics,
Dynamical Systems:
An International Journal
30(4) (2015)
E.J. Doedel, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Global organization of phase space in the transition to chaos in the
Lorenz system,
28(11) (2015) R113-R139
S.J. Gill, M.L. Lowenberg, S.A. Neild, L.G. Crespo, B. Krauskopf and G. Puyou,
Nonlinear dynamics of aircraft controller characteristics
outside the standard flight envelope,
of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
38(12) (2015) 2301-2308
S.J. Gill, M.L. Lowenberg, S.A. Neild, L.G. Crespo and B. Krauskopf,
Impact of controller delays on the nonlinear dynamics of remotely
piloted aircraft,
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
39(2) (2016) 292-300
S. Kewley, M.L. Lowenberg, S.A. Neild and B. Krauskopf,
Investigation into the interaction of nose landing gear and fuselage dynamics,
Journal of Aircraft
53(4) (2016) 881-891
N. Terkovics, S.A. Neild, M.L. Lowenberg, R. Szalai and B. Krauskopf,
Substructurability: the effect of interface location on a real-time
dynamic substructuring test,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A
472 (2016) 20160433
A. Keane, B. Krauskopf and C.M. Postlethwaite,
Investigating irregular behavior in a model for the El Niño
Southern Oscillation with positive and negative delayed feedback,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
15(3) (2016) 1656-1689
P. Słowiński, K. Tsaneva-Atanasova and B. Krauskopf,
Effects of time-delay in a model of intra- and inter-personal motor
The European Physical Journal - Special Topics
225(13) (2016) 2591-2600
J. Hannam, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Global isochrons of a planar system near a phaseless set with saddle
The European Physical Journal - Special Topics
225(13) (2016) 2645-2654
A. Giraldo, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Saddle invariant objects and their global manifolds in a neighborhood
of a homoclinic flip bifurcation of case B,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
16(1) (2017) 640-686
S. Terrien, B. Krauskopf and N.G.R. Broderick,
Bifurcation analysis of the Yamada model for a pulsing semiconductor
laser with saturable absorber and delayed optical feedback,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
16(2) (2017) 771-801
R.C. Calleja, A.R. Humphries and B. Krauskopf,
Resonance phenomena in a scalar delay differential equation with two
state-dependent delays,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
16(3) (2017) 1474-1513
L. Jaurigue, B. Krauskopf and K. Lüdge,
Multipulse dynamics of a passively mode-locked semiconductor laser
with delayed optical feedback,
27(11) (2017) 114301
A. Keane, B. Krauskopf and C.M. Postlethwaite,
Climate models with delay differential equations,
27(11) (2017) 114309
S. Terrien, B. Krauskopf, N.G.R. Broderick, L. Andréoli, F. Selmi,
R. Braive, G. Beaudoin, I. Sagnes and S. Barbay,
Asymmetric noise sensitivity of pulse trains in an excitable microlaser with
delayed optical feedback,
Physical Review A
96(4) (2017) 043863
J.L. Creaser, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Finding first foliation tangencies in the Lorenz system,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
16(4) (2017) 2127-2164
C. Hasan, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Mixed-mode oscillations and twin canard orbits in an autocatalytic
chemical reaction,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
16(4) (2017) 2165-2195
J. Mujica, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
A Lin's method approach for detecting all canard orbits arising from a folded
Journal of Computational Dynamics
4(1) (2017) 143-165
J.E. Rubin, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Natural extension of fast-slow decomposition for dynamical systems,
Physical Review E
97(1) (2018) 012215
C. Hasan, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Saddle slow manifolds and canard orbits in R4
and application to the full Hodgkin–Huxley model,
of Mathematical Neuroscience
8(5) (2018) 1-48
J. Mujica, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Tangencies between global invariant manifolds and slow manifolds near
a singular Hopf bifurcation,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
17(2) (2018) 1395-1431
A. Keane and B. Krauskopf,
Chenciner bubbles and torus break-up in a periodically forced delay
differential equation,
31(6) (2018) R165-R187
S. Terrien, B. Krauskopf, N.G.R. Broderick,
R. Braive, G. Beaudoin, I. Sagnes and S. Barbay,
Pulse train interaction and control in a microcavity laser with
delayed optical feedback,
Optics Letters
43(13) (2018) 3013-3016
S. Hittmeyer, B. Krauskopf, H.M. Osinga and K. Shinohara,
Existence of blenders in a Hénon-like family: geometric insights from
invariant manifold computations,
31(10) (2018) R239-R267
R. Otupiri, B. Garbin, B. Krauskopf and N.G.R. Broderick,
Experimental and numerical characterisation of an all-fibre laser with
saturable absorber,
Optics Letters
43(20) (2018) 4945-4948
S. Terrien, B. Krauskopf, N.G.R. Broderick, L. Jaurigue and K. Lüdge,
Q-switched pulsing lasers subject to delayed feedback: A model comparison,
Physical Review A
98(4) (2018) 043819
A. Giraldo, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Cascades of global bifurcations and chaos near a homoclinic flip
bifurcation: a case study,
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
17(4) (2018) 2784-2829
K. Lüdge, L. Jaurigue, B. Lingnau, S. Terrien and B. Krauskopf,
Semiconductor mode-locked laser with external feedback: emergence of
multi-frequency pulse trains with an increasing number of modes,
The European Physical Journal B
92(4) (2019) 89
A. Keane, B. Krauskopf and H.A. Dijkstra,
The effect of state dependence in a delay differential equation model
for the El Niño Southern Oscillation,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
377(2153) (2019) 20180121
A. Zelei, B. Krauskopf, P. Piiroinen and T. Insperger,
Stable periodic motion of a controlled segmented leg model of pedal
locomotion with inelastic ground-foot collision,
Nonlinear Dynamics
97(3) (2019) 1945-1958
S. Terrien, V.A. Pammi, N.G.R. Broderick, R. Braive, G. Beaudoin,
I. Sagnes, B. Krauskopf and S. Barbay,
Equalization of pulse timings in an excitable microlaser system with
Physical Review
2 (2020) 023012
A. Giraldo, B. Krauskopf, N.G.R. Broderick, J.A. Levenson and A.M. Yacomotti,
The driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard dimer: phase diagram and
New Journal of Physics
22 (2020) 043009
A. Giraldo, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Computing connecting orbits to infinity
associated with a homoclinic flip bifurcation,
Journal of Computational Dynamics
7(2) (2020) 489-510
K.C. Stitely, A. Giraldo, B. Krauskopf and S. Parkins,
Nonlinear semiclassical dynamics of the unbalanced, open Dicke model,
Physical Review Research
2 (2020) 033131
S. Hittmeyer, B. Krauskopf, H.M. Osinga and K. Shinohara,
How to identify a hyperbolic set as a blender,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A
40(12) (2020) 6815-6836
S. Ruschel, B. Krauskopf and N.G.R. Broderick,
The limits of sustained self-excitation and stable periodic pulse
trains in the Yamada model with delayed optical feedback,
30(9) (2020) 093101
A. Keane, B. Krauskopf and T. Lenton,
Signatures consistent with multi-frequency tipping in the Atlantic
meridional overturning circulation,
Physical Review Letters
125(22) (2020) 228701; featured as Editors' Suggestion
R. Otupiri, B. Krauskopf and N.G.R. Broderick,
The Yamada model for a self-pulsing laser: bifurcation structure for
non-identical decay times of gain and absorber,
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos
30(14) (2020) 2030039; selected as Feature Article
K.C. Stitely, S.J. Masson, A. Giraldo, B. Krauskopf and S. Parkins,
Superradiant switching, quantum hysteresis, and oscillations in a
generalized Dicke model,
Physical Review A
102(6) (2020) 063702
E. Musoke, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
A surface of heteroclinic connections between two saddle slow
manifolds in the Olsen model,
Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos
30(16) (2020) 2030048; selected as Feature Article
S. Terrien, V.A. Pammi, B. Krauskopf, N.G.R. Broderick and S. Barbay,
Pulse-timing symmetry breaking in an excitable optical system with
Physical Review E
103(1) (2021) 012210
K.C.A. Wedgwood, P. Słowiński, J. Manson,
K. Tsaneva-Atanasova and B. Krauskopf,
Robust spike timing in an excitable cell with delayed feedback,
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
18(177) (2021) 20210029
R. Otupiri, B. Garbin, N.G.R. Broderick and B. Krauskopf,
Excitability in an all-fiber laser with a saturable absorber section,
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
38(5) (2021) 1695-1701
R.I. Bandara, A. Giraldo, N.G.R. Broderick and B. Krauskopf,
Infinitely many multipulse solitons of different symmetry types in the
nonlinear Schrödinger equation with quartic dispersion,
Physical Review A
103(6) (2021) 063514
E. Fehér, G. Domokos and B. Krauskopf,
Tracking the critical points of curves evolving under planar curvature flows,
Journal of Computational Dynamics
8(4) (2021) 447-494
J.A.C. Knowles, B. Krauskopf and E. Coetzee,
Unlocking a nose landing gear in different flight conditions: folds, cusps and a swallowtail,
Nonlinear Dynamics
106(4) (2021) 2943–2961
B. Garbin, A. Giraldo, K.J.H. Peters, N.G.R. Broderick,
A. Spakman, F. Raineri, A. Levenson, S.R.K. Rodriguez, B. Krauskopf and
A.M. Yacomotti,
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a coherently driven nanophotonic
Bose-Hubbard dimer,
Physical Review Letters
128(5) (2022) 053901
A. Giraldo, S.J. Masson, N.G.R. Broderick and B. Krauskopf,
Semiclassical bifurcations and quantum trajectories: a case study of
the open Bose-Hubbard dimer,
The European Physical Journal - Special Topics
231(3) (2022) 385-401;
featured on the cover
K.C. Stitely, A. Giraldo, B. Krauskopf and S. Parkins,
Lasing and counter-lasing phase transitions in a cavity-QED
Physical Review
4(2) (2022) 023101
A. Giraldo, N.G.R. Broderick, and B. Krauskopf,
Chaotic switching in driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard dimers: when a flip
bifurcation meets a T-point in R4,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
27(7) (2022) 4023-4075
A. Hammerlindl, B. Krauskopf, G. Mason and H.M. Osinga,
Determining the global manifold structure of a continuous-time
heterodimensional cycle,
Journal of Computational Dynamics
9(3) (2022) 393-419
A.R. Humphries, B. Krauskopf, S. Ruschel and J. Sieber,
Nonlinear effects of instantaneous and delayed state dependence in a delayed feedback loop,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
27(12) (2022) 7245-7273
C.R. Laing and B. Krauskopf,
Theta neuron subject to delayed feedback: a prototypical model for
self-sustained pulsing,
Proceedings of the Royal Society A
478(2266) (2022) 20220292
J. Hannam, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Isochron foliations and global bifurcations: A case study,
Transactions of Mathematics and its Applications
6(2) (2022) 1-43
S. Terrien, B. Krauskopf, N.G.R. Broderick, V.A. Pammi, R. Braive, I. Sagnes, G. Beaudoin, K. Pantzas and S. Barbay,
Merging and disconnecting resonance tongues in a pulsing excitable microlaser with delayed optical feedback,
33(2) (2023) 023142; selected as Featured
S. Hittmeyer, B. Krauskopf, H.M. Osinga and K. Shinohara,
Boxing-in of a blender in a Hénon-like family,
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
9 (2023) 1086240
S.R. John, B. Krauskopf, H.M. Osinga and J.E. Rubin,
Slow negative feedback enhances robustness of square-wave bursting,
Journal of Computational Neuroscience
51(2) (2023) 239-261
R.I. Bandara, A. Giraldo, N.G.R. Broderick and B. Krauskopf,
Generalized and multi-oscillation solitons in the
nonlinear Schrödinger equation with quartic dispersion,
Chaos 33 (2023) 073154
A. Neff, A. Keane, H.A. Dijkstra and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation analysis of a North Atlantic Ocean box model with two
deep-water formation sites,
Physica D 456 (2023) 133907
K.C. Stitely, F. Finger, R. Rosa-Medina, F. Ferri, T. Donner,
T. Esslinger, S. Parkins and B. Krauskopf,
Quantum fluctuation dynamics of dispersive superradiant pulses in a
hybrid light-matter system,
Physical Review Letters
131(14) (2023) 143604
R.D. Bitha, A. Giraldo, N.G.R. Broderick and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation analysis of complex switching oscillations in a Kerr microring resonator,
Physical Review E
108(6) (2023) 064204
J. Bailie and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation analysis of a conceptual model for vertical mixing in the North Atlantic,
Physica D
460(6) (2024) 134077
D. C'Julio, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Computing parametrised large intersection sets of 1D invariant manifolds: a tool for blender detection,
Numerical Algorithms
96 (2024) 1079-1108;
in Collection
ANODE 2023 – In honour of John Butcher’s 90th birthday
S. Hayashi, S. Gutschmidt, R. Murray and B. Krauskopf,
Experimental bifurcation analysis of a clamped beam with designed
mechanical nonlinearity,
Nonlinear Dynamics
112 (2024) 15701-15717
N. Wong, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Cascades of heterodimensional cycles via period doubling,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
140(1) (2025) 108328; Invited Article
M.J. Capiński, B. Krauskopf, H.M. Osinga and P. Zgliczyński,
Characterising blenders via covering relations and cone conditions,
Journal of Differential Equations
416(1) (2025) 768-805
R.I. Bandara, A. Giraldo, N.G.R. Broderick and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcations of periodic orbits in the Generalised Nonlinear
Schrödinger Equation,
Journal of Computational Dynamics
12(2) (2025) 178-211
K.H. Lee, N.G.R. Broderick, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Phase response to arbitrary perturbations: Geometric insights and resetting surfaces,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
30(6) (2025) 2094-2134
to appear
K.H. Lee, N.G.R. Broderick, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Generic planar phase resetting near a phaseless point,
The ANZIAM Journal (to appear)
S. Ruschel, V.A. Pammi, R. Braive, I. Sagnes, G. Beaudoin, N.G.R. Broderick, B. Krauskopf and S. Barbay,
Regenerative vectorial breathers in a delay-coupled neuromorphic microlaser with integrated saturable absorber,
Optics Letters (to appear)
[ Journal Publications
| Preprints
| Books
| Book Chapters
| Proceedings Contributions ]
J. Bailie, H.A. Dijkstra and B. Krauskopf,
A detailed analysis of the origin of deep-decoupling oscillations,
arXiv Preprint 2406.00646, June 2024
R.D. Bitha, A. Giraldo, N.G.R. Broderick and B. Krauskopf,
A kneading map of chaotic switching oscillations in a Kerr cavity with two interacting light fields, arXiv Preprint 2410.23588, October 2024
C.R. Laing and B. Krauskopf,
Periodic solutions for a pair of delay-coupled excitable theta neurons,
arXiv Preprint 2412.06804, November 2024
P. Langfield, B. Krauskopf, K.H. Lee and H.M. Osinga,
The global geometry of phase-resetting surfaces: the role of critical level sets and isochrons,
University of Auckland Preprint, February 2025
[ Journal Publications
| Preprints
| Books
| Book Chapters
| Proceedings Contributions ]
A.D. Bazykin,
Nonlinear Dynamics of Interacting Populations,
edited by A.I. Khibnik and B. Krauskopf,
World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science A 11,
World Scientific (1998)
B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra (Eds.),
Fundamental Issues of Nonlinear Laser Dynamics,
AIP Conference Proceedings 548 (2000)
H.W. Broer, B. Krauskopf and G. Vegter (Eds.),
Global Analysis of Dynamical Systems:
Festschrift dedicated to Floris Takens
for his 60th birthday,
Institute of Physics Publishing (2001)
S.J. Hogan, A.R. Champneys, B. Krauskopf, M. di Bernardo, R.E. Wilson,
H.M. Osinga and M.E. Homer (Eds.),
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: Where do we go from here?,
Institute of Physics Publishing (2002)
B. Krauskopf,
H.M. Osinga and J. Galán-Vioque (Eds.),
Numerical Continuation Methods for Dynamical Systems:
Path following and boundary value problems,
Springer-Verlag (2007)
[ Journal Publications
| Preprints
| Books
| Book Chapters
| Proceedings Contributions ]
Book Chapters
- B. Krauskopf and H. Kriete,
Approximating transcendental Julia sets,
in H. Kriete (Ed.),
Progress in Holomorphic Dynamics, Pitman
Research Notes in Mathematics Series 387,
Longman (1998), 116-138
B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation Analysis of Laser Systems,
B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra (Eds.),
Fundamental Issues of Nonlinear Laser Dynamics,
AIP Conference Proceedings 548 (2000), 1-30
H.W. Broer and B. Krauskopf,
Chaos in Periodically Driven Systems,
B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra (Eds.),
Fundamental Issues of Nonlinear Laser Dynamics,
AIP Conference Proceedings 548 (2000), 31-53
S.M. Verduyn Lunel and B. Krauskopf,
The Mathematics of Delay Equations with an
Application to the Lang-Kobayashi Equations,
in B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra (Eds.),
Fundamental Issues of Nonlinear Laser Dynamics,
AIP Conference Proceedings 548 (2000), 66-87
B. Krauskopf,
Strong resonances and Takens's Utrecht Preprint,
in H.W. Broer, B. Krauskopf and G. Vegter (Eds.),
Global Analysis of Dynamical Systems:
Festschrift dedicated to Floris Takens
for his 60th birthday,
Institute of Physics Publishing (2001), 89-111
B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation analysis of lasers with delay,
in D.M. Kane and K.A. Shore (Eds.),
Unlocking Dynamical Diversity: Optical Feedback Effects
on Semiconductor Lasers,
Wiley (2005), 147-183
B. Krauskopf , H.M. Osinga, E.J. Doedel M.E. Henderson, J. Guckenheimer,
A. Vladimirsky, M. Dellnitz and O. Junge,
A survey of methods for computing (un)stable manifolds of vector fields,
in E.J. Doedel, G. Domokos and I.G. Kevrekidis (Eds.),
Modeling and Computations in Dynamical Systems,
World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science B 13,
World Scientific (2006), 67-95 [reprinting of Journal Publication 59];
featured on the cover
J.P. England, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Bifurcations of stable sets in noninvertible planar maps,
in E.J. Doedel, G. Domokos and I.G. Kevrekidis (Eds.),
Modeling and Computations in Dynamical Systems,
World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science B 13,
World Scientific (2006), 195-208 [reprinting of Journal Publication 60]
B. Krauskopf,
Semiconductor lasers as dynamical systems,
in F. Dumortier, D. Roose and A. Vanderbauwhede (Eds.),
Trends in Dynamical Systems,
Handelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor
Wetenschappen en Kunsten (2007), 33-45
B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Computing invariant manifolds via
the continuation of orbit segments, in
B. Krauskopf, H.M. Osinga and J. Galán-Vioque (Eds.),
Numerical Continuation Methods for Dynamical Systems:
Path following and boundary value problems,
Springer-Verlag (2007), 117-154
B. Krauskopf, H.M. Osinga and E.J. Doedel,
Visualizing global manifolds during the transition to chaos in
the Lorenz system, in
H.-C. Hege, K. Polthier and G. Scheuermann (Eds.),
Topology-Based Methods in Visualization II,
Springer-Verlag (2009), 115-126
K. Green and B. Krauskopf,
Dynamics of patterns in lasers with delayed feedback, in
J. Dubbeldam, K. Green and D. Lenstra (Eds.),
The Complexity of Dynamical Systems.
A Multi-disciplinary Perspective,
Wiley-VCH (2011), 37-62
B. Krauskopf and J. Walker,
Bifurcation study of a semiconductor laser with saturable
absorber and delayed optical feedback,
in K. Lüdge (Ed.),
Nonlinear Laser Dynamics. From Quantum Dots to Cryptography,
Wiley-VCH (2012), 161-181
H.M. Osinga, B. Krauskopf and S. Hittmeyer,
Chaos and wild chaos in Lorenz-type systems,
in Z. AlSharawi, J.M. Cushing and S. Elaydi (Eds.),
Theory and Applications of Difference Equations and Discrete
Dynamical Systems,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 102,
Springer-Verlag (2014), 75-98
A.S. Purewal, B. Krauskopf and C.M. Postlethwaite,
Global effects of time-delayed feedback control applied to the
Lorenz system,
in E. Schöll, S.H.L. Klapp and P. Hövel (Eds.),
Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems,
Springer Series in Synergetics,
Springer-Verlag (2016), 81-103
B. Krauskopf, E. Coetzee, M.L Lowenberg, S.A. Neild and S. Sharma,
Dynamical systems methods for evaluating aircraft ground manoeuvres,
in P. Aston, T. Mulholland and K. Tant (Eds.),
UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics,
Springer-Verlag (2016), 131-136
B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
A codimension-four singularity with potential for action,
in B. Toni (Ed.),
Interdisciplinary Mathematical Research and Applications. In Honor
of Professor Christiane Rousseau,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 157,
Springer-Verlag (2016), 253-268
S. Hittmeyer, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Generalized Mandelbrot and Julia sets in a family of planar
angle-doubling maps,
in M. Bohner, S. Siegmund, R. Šimon Hilscher and P. Stehlík (Eds.),
Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems with
Springer-Verlag (2020), 21-54
P. Langfield, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
A continuation approach to computing phase resetting curves,
in O. Junge, O. Schütze, G. Froyland, S. Ober-Blöbaum and
K. Padberg-Gehle (Eds.),
Advances in Dynamics, Optimization and Computation,
Springer-Verlag (2020), 3-30
B. Krauskopf and J. Sieber,
Bifurcation analysis of systems with delays: methods and their use in
in D. Breda (Ed.),
Controlling Delayed Dynamics: Advances in Theory, Methods and
CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM, volume 604),
Springer-Verlag (2022), 195-245
J. Hannam, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Global manifolds of saddle periodic orbits parametrised by isochrons,
in S. Olaru, S. Elaydi, J. Cushing, and R. Lozi (Eds.),
Advances in Discrete Dynamical Systems, Difference Equations, and
Springer-Verlag (2024), 143-174
E. Musoke, B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
A heteroclinic surface between two saddle slow manifolds organizing sectors of rotation of mixed-mode oscillations,
in H. Jardón-Kojakhmetov, M. Engel and C. Soresina (Eds.),
Topics in Multiple Time Scale Dynamics, Contemporary
Mathematics, Volume 806,
American Mathematical Society (2024), 127-149
[ Journal Publications
| Preprints
| Books
| Book Chapters
| Proceedings Contributions ]
Proceedings Contributions
B. Krauskopf,
Transputer in der Iterationstheorie ganzer
transzendenter Funktionen, in Informatik aktuell,
R. Grebe & M. Baumann, Parallele Datenverarbeitung
mit dem Transputer, Springer-Verlag (1992) 147-154
B. Krauskopf,
Stability loss near 1:4 resonance,
P.L. Butzer, H.Th. Jongen and W. Oberschelp (Eds.),
Charlemagne and His Heritage:
1200 Years of Civilization and Science
in Europe, Volume 2: Mathematical Arts,
Brepols Publishers (1998) 551-561
B. Krauskopf, N. Tollenaar, W.A. van der Graaf, and D. Lenstra,
Complicated dynamics due to a heteroclinic connection
in an injected diode laser,
Proceedings of SPIE 3283 (1998) 589-600
B. Krauskopf, G.R. Gray, and D. Lenstra,
in a semiconductor laser with
phase-conjugate feedback,
Proceedings of SPIE 3283 (1998) 510-521
J.L.A. Dubbeldam, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Self-pulsations and mode-locking in narrow stripe lasers,
Technical Digest CLEO/Europe '98
J.L.A. Dubbeldam, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Self-pulsations and mode-locking in narrow stripe lasers,
Proceedings 1998 Symposium of IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter
B. Krauskopf, G.H.M. van Tartwijk and G.R. Gray,
Aspects of symmetry in lasers with optical feedback,
Proceedings of SPIE 3625 (1999) 646-655
D. Lenstra, S.M. Wieczorek and B. Krauskopf,
A global view of period-doubling in a semiconductor
laser with optical injection; Proceedings of LEOS'99
B. Krauskopf, B.E. Oldeman and A.R. Champneys,
Resonant homoclinic flip bifurcations: a numerical investigation,
in B. Fiedler, K. Gröger and J. Sprekels (Eds.),
Equadiff 99, World Scientific (2000) 55-57
- B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Investigating torus bifurcations in the forced Van der Pol
in E.J. Doedel and L.S. Tuckerman (Eds.), Numerical Methods
for Bifurcation Problems and Large-Scale Dynamical Systems, IMA
Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications 119,
Springer-Verlag (2000) 199-208
J.L.A. Dubbeldam, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Excitability and coherence resonance in
passively Q-switched diode lasers,
Proceedings of SPIE 3944 (2000) 454-463
S.M. Wieczorek, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Global view of complicated dynamics in
optically injected semiconductor lasers,
Proceedings of SPIE 3944 (2000) 602-611
B. Krauskopf, S.M. Wieczorek and D. Lenstra,
Routes to chaos in an otpically injected semiconductor laser,
Proceedings of SPIE 3944 (2000) 612-619
B. Krauskopf and K. Green,
Bifurcations to chaos in a semiconductor laser with
phase-conjugate feedback,
Proceedings of LEOS 2000 62-63
S.M. Wieczorek, B. Krauskopf, and D. Lenstra,
Bifurcations of chaotic attractors in a semiconductor laser subject to optical
Proceedings of LEOS 2000 64-65
B. Krauskopf and K. Green,
Routes to chaos in a semiconductor laser subject to
phase-conjugate optical feedback,
Proceedings of SPIE 4646 (2002) 453-462
S.M. Wieczorek, T.B. Simpson, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Complex dynamics of an optically injected semiconductor laser: bifurcation theory and
Proceedings of SPIE 4646 (2002) 471-478
B. Krauskopf and K. Green,
Unstable manifolds of delay systems,
Proceedings of New Directions in Dynamical Systems, Kyoto 2002
(ICM 2002 satellite conference) 330-335
B. Krauskopf and K. Green,
A two parameter study near the locking region of a semiconductor
laser with phase-conjugate feedback,
Proceedings of SPIE 4986 (2003) 513-520
B. Krauskopf, S.M. Wieczorek and D. Lenstra,
Multipulse excitability in injected lasers,
Proceedings of SPIE 4986 (2003) 432-439
B. Krauskopf, K. Green, H. Erzgräber and D. Lenstra,
Dynamics and bifurcations of a semiconductor laser with short external cavity,
Proceedings of SPIE 5452 (2004) 82-92
K. Green and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation analysis of a semiconductor laser subject to
non-instantaneous phase-conjugate feedback,
Proceedings of SPIE 5452 (2004) 255-262
T. Erneux, A. Gavrielides, K. Green and B. Krauskopf,
Analytical theory of external cavity modes of a semiconductor laser
with phase conjugate feedback,
Proceedings of SPIE 5452 (2004) 263-272
H. Erzgräber, D. Lenstra, B. Krauskopf and I. Fischer,
Dynamical properties of mutually delayed coupled semiconductor lasers,
Proceedings of SPIE 5452 (2004) 352-361
K. Green, K. Engelborghs and B. Krauskopf,
From local to global one-dimensional unstable manifolds in
delay differential equations,
Proceedings of Equadiff 2003, World Scientific Publishing (2005) 175-180
B. Krauskopf and H. Osinga,
Geodesic parametrization of global invariant manifolds, or what does the Equadiff 2003 poster show?,
Proceedings of Equadiff 2003, World Scientific Publishing (2005) 429-433
K. Green and B. Krauskopf,
Sudden transitions to chaos in a semiconductor laser with optical delay,
Proceedings of Equadiff 2003, World Scientific Publishing (2005) 607-612
J. Sieber and B. Krauskopf,
Dynamics of an inverted pendulum subject to delayed control,
Proceedings of Equadiff 2003, World Scientific Publishing (2005) 768-773
P. Collins and B. Krauskopf,
Chaotic lasers: manifolds, bifurcations and symbolic dynamics,
Proceedings of Equadiff 2003, World Scientific Publishing (2005) 871-876
B.E. Oldeman and B. Krauskopf,
A vector field model of a saddle-node Hopf
bifurcation with global reinjection,
Proceedings of Equadiff 2003, World Scientific Publishing (2005) 1114-1116
B. Krauskopf, H. Erzgräber and D. Lenstra,
Bifurcation analysis of coupled laser modes in mutually delay coupled lasers,
Wim Michiels and Dirk Roose (Eds.),
A Proceedings volume from the 5th IFAC Workshop,
Leuven, Belgium, 8-10 September 2004,
Elsevier (2005) 233-238
V. Rottschäfer and B. Krauskopf,
A three-parameter study of external cavity modes in semiconductor
lasers with optical feedback, in
Wim Michiels and Dirk Roose (Eds.),
A Proceedings volume from the 5th IFAC Workshop,
Leuven, Belgium, 8-10 September 2004,
Elsevier (2005) 239-244
G. Orosz, R.E. Wilson and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcations in a car-following model with delay,
Wim Michiels and Dirk Roose (Eds.),
A Proceedings volume from the 5th IFAC Workshop,
Leuven, Belgium, 8-10 September 2004,
Elsevier (2005) 245-250
H. Erzgräber, D. Lenstra, and B. Krauskopf,
Compound laser modes of mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers:
bifurcation analysis of the locking region,
Proceedings of IEEE/LEOS Benelux 2004, pp 147-150
M.I. Wallace, J. Sieber, S.A. Neild, D.J. Wagg and B. Krauskopf,
Delay differential equation models for real-time dynamic substructuring,
Proceedings of ASME
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Fifth International
Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, Long
Beach, USA, September 2005, Paper No. DETC2005-85010, 1-8.
H. Erzgräber, D. Lenstra, and B. Krauskopf,
Pure frequency oscillations of semiconductor lasers with filtered optical feedback,
Proceedings of IEEE/LEOS Benelux 2005, pp 47-50
D.A.W. Barton, B. Krauskopf and R.E. Wilson,
Collocation schemes for periodic solutions of neutral delay differential equations,
Proceedings of 6th IFAC workshop on Time-Delay Systems 2006
G. Orosz, B. Krauskopf and R.E. Wilson,
Traffic jam dynamics in a car-following model with
reaction-time delay and stochasticity of drivers,
Proceedings of 6th IFAC workshop on Time-Delay Systems 2006
H. Erzgräber, D. Lenstra and B. Krauskopf,
Stability of locking in mutually delay-coupled semiconductor lasers,
Proceedings of SPIE 6184, 618407 (2006)
K. Green and B. Krauskopf,
Analysis of the external filtered modes of a semiconductor
laser with filtered optical feedback,
Proceedings of SPIE 6184, 61840U (2006)
B. Krauskopf, H. Erzgräber and D. Lenstra,
Dynamics of semiconductor lasers with filtered optical feedback,
Proceedings of SPIE 6184, 61840V (2006)
M. Radziunas, H.-J. Wünsche, B. Krauskopf and M. Wolfrum,
External cavity modes in Lang-Kobayashi and traveling wave models,
Proceedings of SPIE 6184, 61840X (2006)
- H. M. Osinga and B. Krauskopf, The
Lorenz manifold: crochet and curvature, in R. Sarhangi and J. Sharp (Eds.),
BRIDGES LONDON 2006: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and
Science, Tarquin Publications (2006) 255-260
J. Sieber and B. Krauskopf,
Tracking nonlinear oscillations with time-delayed feedback,
Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis VI,
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 5-6 (2006) 417-424
E. Coetzee, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Nonlinear Aircraft Ground Dynamics,
Proceedings of ICNPAA-2006: Mathematical Problems in Engineering and
Aerospace Sciences, Budapest 2006
K. Green, B. Krauskopf and D. Lenstra,
Mode structure of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser subject to optical feedback,
Proceedings of IEEE/LEOS Benelux 2006
H. Erzgräber, B. Krauskopf, D. Lenstra, A.P.A. Fischer and G. Vemuri,
Feedback phase sensitivity of a semiconductor laser subject to
filtered optical feedback,
Proceedings of IEEE/LEOS Benelux 2006
B. Krauskopf and H.M. Osinga,
Visualization of geodesic level sets on global manifolds,
TopoInVis 2007
H.M. Osinga, B. Krauskopf and E.J. Doedel,
Visualizing the transition to chaos in the Lorenz system,
TopoInVis 2007
J. Sieber and B. Krauskopf,
Control-based tracking of nonlinear oscillations,
Proceedings of EUROMECH Colloquium 483: Geometrically Non-linear Vibrations of
Structures, Porto 2007
P. Słowiński, B. Krauskopf and S.M. Wieczorek,
Mode structure of a semiconductor laser with feedback from two
external filters,
Proceedings of SPIE 6997 (2008)
H. Erzgräber, S.M. Wieczorek and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcations of composite-cavity modes in multi-stripe laser arrays,
Proceedings of SPIE 6997 (2008)
K. Green and B. Krauskopf,
Bifurcation analysis of a multi-transverse-mode VCSEL,
Proceedings of SPIE 6997 (2008)
B. Krauskopf and H. Erzgräber,
Delay-coupled semiconductor lasers near locking: a bifurcation study,
Proceedings of SPIE 6997 (2008)
P. Thota, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Shimmy in a nonlinear model of an aircraft nose landing gear
with non-zero rake angle,
Proceedings of ENOC2008, St. Peterburg
J. Rankin, B. Krauskopf, M.L. Lowenberg and E. Coetzee,
Operational parameter study of an aircraft turning on the ground,
Proceedings of ECMI 2008, London
B. Krauskopf, P. Thota and M.L. Lowenberg,
Geometric nonlinearities of aircraft systems,
Proceedings of ECMI 2008, London
J. Rankin, E. Coetzee, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Nonlinear ground dynamics of aircraft: bifurcation analysis of turning solutions,
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit,
2008,, 10.2514/6.2008-6529
P. Thota, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Modeling of nose landing gear shimmy with lateral and longitudinal
bending and a non-zero rake angle,
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit,
2008,, 10.2514/6.2008-7099
B. Krauskopf, H.M. Osinga and B. Storch,
The sculpture Manifold:
a band from a surface, a surface from a band,
in R. Sarhangi and C. Séquin (Eds.),
BRIDGES Leeuwarden 2008: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and
Science, Tarquin Publications (2008) 9-14
H. Erzgräber and B. Krauskopf,
Multistability in a semiconductor laser subject to optical feedback
from a Fabry-Perot filter,
Proceedings of PhysCon 2009
J. Rankin, B. Krauskopf, M.L. Lowenberg and E. Coetzee,
Nonlinear analysis of lateral loading during ground manoeuvres,
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2009,
E. Coetzee, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Application of bifurcation methods for the prediction of low-speed
aircraft ground performance,
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2009,
P. Thota, B. Krauskopf, M.L. Lowenberg and E. Coetzee,
Nonlinear analysis of the influence of tire inflation pressure on nose
landing gear shimmy,
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2009,
H. Erzgräber, S.M. Wieczorek and B. Krauskopf,
Locking of three coupled lasers,
Proceedings of SPIE (2010)
P. Słowiński, B. Krauskopf and S.M. Wieczorek,
Solution structure and dynamics of a semiconductor laser
subject to feedback from two external filters,
Proceedings of SPIE Europe 7720 (2010)
E. Coetzee, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Analysis of medium-speed runway exit maneuvers,
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2010,
J.A. Knowles, B. Krauskopf and M.L. Lowenberg,
Numerical continuation applied to landing gear mechanism analysis,
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, 2010,
V. Tzanov, S.A. Neild, B. Krauskopf and D.J. Wagg,
Influence of damping on the vibration of an inclined cable subjected
to support excitation,
8th International Conference on Multibody Systems,
Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control, ASME 2011 International Design
Engineering Technical Conference,
DETC2011-47323, pp. 1049-1055
V. Tzanov, M.R. Marsico, D.J. Wagg, B. Krauskopf, S.A. Neild and
J.H.G. Macdonald,
Internal resonance between in-plane and out-of-plane modes of
vibration of inclined cables subjected to vertical support
Proceedings of Eurodyn 2011
S.J. Gill, M.L. Lowenberg, B. Krauskopf, G. Puyou and E. Coetzee,
Bifurcation analysis of the NASA GTM with a view to upset recovery,
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2012,
C. Howcroft, B. Krauskopf, M.L. Lowenberg and S.A. Neild,
Effects of freeplay on aircraft main landing gear stability,
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2012,
N. Terkovics, S.A. Neild, M.L. Lowenberg, B. Krauskopf and S. Sharma,
Bifurcation analysis of a coupled nose landing gear-fuselage system,
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2012,
J.A. Knowles, B. Krauskopf, M.L. Lowenberg, S.A. Neild and
P. Thota,
Numerical continuation analysis of a dual-sidestay main landing gear mechanism,
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 2012,
H.M. Osinga and B. Krauskopf,
How to crochet a space-filling pancake: the math, the art and what next,
in G. Greenfield, G. Hart and R. Sarhangi (Eds.),
BRIDGES Seoul 2014: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and
Science, Tarquin Publications (2014), pp. 19–26
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