Tutors and Markers Training

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1. Tutors (and markers doing tutoring also)

There will be two tutor training meetings next week (first week of lecture) for all student tutors. We will choose the time that suits the most people.

If you wish to work as a tutor in the department this year, you will be expected to attend this meeting, unless it clashes with your lecture schedule (Exception: See note below).

If you have already been selected as a tutor, you will be paid (at the standard hourly rate) for your attendance at the meeting.

The meetings will also count towards the necessary requirements of the Certificate of Competence in Tutoring offered by the Faculty of Science. The meetings will be 2 hours.

NOTE: Tutors who have attended previous training sessions, or have some previous teaching/tutoring experience (e.g. current holders of the Certificate of Competence & MATHS 202 past students) may be excused from the training (email or phone me if you are unsure). However, the first part dealing with some administrative details will be beneficial to all, and having some experienced tutors at the training sessions is helpful for new tutors, so you may still come even if you've seen it all before! You will still be paid if you attend.

You may choose between the following 2 times (these may be changed if they are not suitable for many):

  • Wednesday 5th March: 4pm - 6pm
  • Thursday 6th March: 10am - 12pm

Please let Greg Oates know your preference (i.e. which workshop you prefer), and let me know urgently if it is impossible for you to attend at either of these times.

email: oates@math.auckland.ac.nz

2. Markers Only

There may be a separate markers meeting. This will be in week 2 if it is held. We will confirm this at a later date once markers have been finalised for courses.

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