Template:Stage I Mathematics

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MATHS 101/ MATHS 101G (15 points)

Official Information from the University of Auckland 2007 Calendar.


S1 C and E, S2 C

MATHS 101 and the General Education Mathematics course, MATHS 101G, are taught as a single course.

They are aimed to build confidence using Mathematics while demonstrating the role Mathematics plays in understanding and guiding human activity.

The course is taught thematically and students experience how fundamental mathematical ideas occur in modelling diverse features of our society, such as our environment, (e.g. air pollution), medicine (e.g. burns, drugs dosages).

Recommended Preparation: For students who have not studied Mathematics at NCEA level 3 (or equivalent) or have no formal mathematical background.

This course may not be taken with or after any other mathematics course at Stage I or above.

Text Required: Resource Pack is available from the Student Resource Centre (SRC).

MATHS 102 (15 points)


SS C, S1 C, S2 C

Syllabus includes: mathematical modelling; graphs and calculus of polynomial; trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions; graphs of rational and piece-wise defined functions; trigonometry. It is appropriate for students who have not studied Year 13 Mathematics, however a minimum of Year 12 Mathematics is usually required. Students who enrol in this course for one semester may enrol in MATHS 108 for the next.

Notes: This course may not be taken with or after any other mathematics course at Stage I or above except MATHS 101. This course will be taught at Summer School but enrolment restrictions may apply.

Recommended Preparation: For students who have achieved fewer than 12 credits in Calculus or Statistics at NCEA Level 3, or who have not studied at Level 3 but have achieved at least 18 credits in Mathematics at NCEA Level 2 (or equivalent). This course may not be taken with or after any other mathematics course at Stage I or above except MATHS 101.

Resources: A CD to accompany the lectures is available from the Student Resource Centre.

MATHS 108 (15 points)


SS C, S1 C and T, S2 C and T

Selected topics in algebra and calculus and their applications including: real numbers, integers; linear algebra including matrices, linear functions, linear equations; functions, equations and inequalities; limits and continuity; differential calculus of one and several variables; integral calculus of one variable.

Recommended preparation: MATHS 102 or at least 12 credits in Calculus or Statistics at NCEA Level 3 (or equivalent).

Restrictions: MATHS 130, 150, 151, ENG SCI 111, PHYSICS 111

Text Required: Anton, H., Bivens, I., Davis, S. “Calculus” (8th Edition). Wiley. Anton, H & Busby, R.C. “Contemporary Linear Algebra”. Wiley.

MATHS 150 (15 points)


S1 C, S2 C

The standard first year Mathematics course for students with good mathematics background who are considering a major or a minor in Mathematics or a major in any science, economics and finance. Limits and derivatives of functions of 1 and 2 variables, differential equations. Vectors, lines and planes. Systems of linear equations. Dot and cross product. Matrix algebra and determinants.

Recommended preparation: B+ in MATHS 102, or at least 18 credits in Calculus at NCEA Level 3.

Restrictions: MATHS 108, 109, 130, 151, 230, ENG SCI 111, PHYSICS 111

Text Required: Anton, H., Bivens, I., Davis, S. “Calculus” (8th Edition). Wiley. Anton, H & Busby, R.C. “Contemporary Linear Algebra”. Wiley.

MATHS 153 (15 points)


S1 C

Note:Enrolment requires consent of Department.

A version of MATHS 150 for high achieving Year 13 students.

Restrictions: MATHS 108, 109, 130, 150, 151, ENG SCI 111, PHYSICS 111

Materials Required: Lecture Notes and a CD (also available free as web download).

Texts Recommended: Stewart, J. “Calculus - Concepts and Contexts”, Brooks/Cole Anton, H, Bivens, I & Davis, S “Calculus” 8th Edition, Wiley Anton, H & Busby, R “Contemporary Linear Algebra”,Wiley.

MATHS 162 (15 points)


S1 C, S2 C and T

An introduction to mathematical modelling and scientific computing and to a selection of mathematical techniques in the context of applications. Students will learn how to formulate mathematical models and how to solve them using numerical and other methods (and computers in the Undergraduate Laboratory). While it is not essential to take MATHS 162 to be able to take second year courses in Applied Mathematics, we strongly recommend that any student wishing to study Applied Mathematics take this course in their first year. It is a core course for students whose primary interest is Applied Mathematics.

Text Required: “Introduction to Applied & Computational Mathematics”, written by members of the Applied and Computational Mathematics Unit. (Available from the SRC.)

Text recommended: Edwards, D. & Harrison, M. , “Guide to Mathematical Modelling”

Recommended preparation: Concurrent or prior enrolment in one of MATHS 108, 130, 150 or 151 is recommended.

MATHS 190/ MATHS 190G (15 points)


S1 C, S2 C

Mathematics contains many powerful and beautiful ideas that have shaped the way we understand our world. This course explores some of the grand successes of mathematical thinking. No formal mathematics background is required, just curiosity about topics such as infinity, paradoxes, knots and fractals, cryptography and data communication.

Text Required: E. Burger and M. Starbird, “The Heart of Mathematics” (2nd edition)

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