Template:MAX announcements

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Mathematics acceleration and extension for high school students (MAX)

A university course in mathematics available both internally and extra-mural.

A meeting for potential MAX students was held on October 2009. At this meeting staff discussed the syllabus of the course, expected background, workload, and why you should or maybe should not do this course. Teachers and parents were very welcome to attend.

If you would like further information or if you were unable to attend the meeting and would like a university application pack please contact the MAX coordinator:

Wendy Stratton - email: stratton@math.auckland.ac.nz ; tel 3737599 ext 85757.

Please note applying for the course does not commit you to doing it, and nor is your application accepted until after your (satisfactory) Level 2 and 3 school results and other documents have been sent to the Max coordinator.

MAX (Mathematics Acceleration and extension for high school students) is aimed at students who are willing to be challenged in mathematics in Year 13. It is essentially a chance to gain credits in a degree programme while still at Secondary School. Students attend lectures and tutorials one evening a week from 4.30 pm to 7 pm, or study extramurally. In 2008 MAX students will enrol in MATHS 153 (Accelerated Mathematics), a first semester course which is academically equivalent to MATHS 150 Advancing Mathematics 1 and to ENGSCI 111 (Mathematical Modelling 1). Those passing MATHS 153 will be eligible to enrol in any Stage 2 mathematics course, including MATHS 250 Advancing Mathematics 2, ENGSCI 211 and MATHS 208 General Mathematics 2, in their first year at University.

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