Template:MATHS 714:Calendar amendment

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(To change the prescription of a Course)

2007 Calendar, p. 642

Subject: MATHS 714

Level : Postgraduate course

INSERT prescription for MATHS 714

A broad introduction to various aspects of elementary, algebraic and computational number theory and its applications, including primality testing and cryptography.

(To change a Prerequisite or Restriction)

2007 Calendar, p.642

Subject: MATHS 714

Level : Postgraduate course

AMEND prerequisite/restriction for MATHS 714 to

Prerequisite: from: B+ pass in MATHS 328 or 320 TO: B+ in either MATHS 328 or MATHS 320

OTHER Subjects/majors/specialisations in which Course occurs: BA(Hons) Mathematics, BSc(Hons) Mathematics, PGDipSci Mathematics, GDipSci Mathematics, MA Mathematics, MSc Mathematics

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