Template:MATHS 250:Calendar amendment

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(To change the prescription of a Course)

2007 Calendar, p. 639

Subject: MATHS 250

Level : Stage II

AMEND title of MATHS 250 to: Advancing Mathematics 2

AMEND title also on the following pages: -

INSERT prescription for MATHS 250

This preparation for advanced courses in mathematics is intended for all students who plan to progress further in mathematics. Covers material from multivariable calculus and linear algebra that has many applications in science, engineering and commerce. The emphasis is on both the results and the ideas underpinning these.

(To change a Prerequisite or Restriction)

2007 Calendar, p.639

Subject: MATHS 250

Level : Stage II

AMEND prerequisite/restriction for MATHS 250 to

Prerequisite: from: 15 points from ENGSCI 111, MATHS 150, 153, PHYSICS 111, or a B pass in MATHS 108 TO: 15 points from ENGSCI 111, MATHS 150, 153, 208, PHYSICS 111, or a B+ pass in MATHS 108

OTHER Subjects/majors/specialisations in which Course occurs: BA Mathematics, BA Logic and Computation, BCom, BSc Logic and Computation schedule, BSc Logic and Computation specialization, BSc Mathematics schedule

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