Template:MATHS 202:Summary

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MATHS 202 Summary

Availability: S1 C

Points: 15


This is a mainly practical course in which selected students learn tutoring skills that are put to use in MATHS 102 tutorials. In a small interactive class, students learn to mark, to question strategically and to facilitate learning. The theory and issues of mathematics education as a research field is also introduced.

Selection: Students are selected for the course on the basis of their academic record, and the results of a personal interview with the lecturer to determine their interest in the course and their communication skills.

Prerequisites: 30 points from courses in Mathematics and Departmental consent required.


Prerequisite knowledge

Students taking this course are expected to have a working knowledge of Year 13 Mathematics.


Semester courses at The University of Auckland are assumed to require 10 hours per week of student time. In MATHS 202, the normal pattern of student study is expected to be:

  • 3 hours lectures
  • 1 hour tutorial
  • 1 hour journal writing
  • 2 hour assignment (Maths 102)
  • 2 hour reading/seminar preparation
  • 1 hour administration.

Students are expected to attend and come prepared to all classes. An attendance component is built into the practical assessment


A student who successfully completes this course will:

  • consolidate their own understanding of basic mathematical concepts and techniques;
  • gain theoretical and practical knowledge about both the learning and teaching of mathematics;
  • gain personal satisfaction from using their own knowledge to help other students;
  • gain sufficient experience to assess their own attitudes to, and suitability for, teaching as a career without having to make a major commitment in that direction;
  • gain skills transferable to tutoring in other courses within the department.
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