Template:MATHS 102:Summary

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MATHS 102 Summary

Availability: SS, S1 C, S2 C

Points: 15


Template:MATHS 102:2008 Description

Recommended preparation: For students who have achieved fewer than 12 credits in Calculus or Statistics at NCEA Level 3, or who have achieved at least 18 credits in Mathematics at NCEA Level 2 (or equivalent). Recommended preparation: For students who have achieved fewer than 12 credits in Calculus or Statistics at NCEA Level 3, or who have achieved at least 18 credits in Mathematics at NCEA Level 2 (or equivalent) and fewer than 12 credits in Calculus or Statistics at NCEA Level 3.

Restrictions: This course may be taken with or after MATHS 190, or after MATHS 101. It may not be taken with or after any other Mathematics course at Stage I or above.

Pre-requisite Knowledge: Students taking this course are expected to have a working knowledge of the basic elements of Year 11 and Year 12 Mathematics. Assumed knowledge for each module will be stated in lectures and in the supplementary course notes available on Cecil or optional purchase from the SRC. The Cecil skills quizzes will test students on pre-requisite knowledge. Students who experience difficulties with this knowledge are expected to spend sometime learning it outside of lectures, using the sources of help suggested at the start of each module in the supplementary course notes.


There is no required textbook for this course.


A book of Supplementary Course Notes called “Functioning in Mathematics” is available to read on Cecil, along with solutions to exercises in the book. It is also available to purchase from the UBS if students prefer a hard-copy.

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