PhD research support

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Doctoral students in the department will work under the close supervision of a research-active member of the staff, their main supervisor. They may also have a co-supervisor and sometimes interact with other academics, nominated as their thesis advisors.

Link various resources for PhD supervision here

Office space, etc

The Department provides every PhD student with shared office space, a computer, computing facilities including software licenses, printing, email and internet access, stationery and photocopying, as well as library resources access.

Financial support

The various sources of research funding are detailed on the PhD students Financial support page.

The Department has established a fund to support attendance at conferences and other research activities. PhD students may also apply to such bodies as the NZMS for supplementary support. The New Zealand Mathematical Society (NZMS) offers financial assistance to members. In particular it has a Student Travel Fund and a South Pacific fund. See NZMS Financial Assistance for details.

However, the main source of financing for research-related activities (travel and conference attendance) is the University PReSS funding.

Postgraduate Research Student Support Accounts (PReSS)

Under the PReSS scheme, doctoral students are provided an annual research fund and account to assist with their study. The stipend is intended to help cover direct research costs and the amount is dependent on the doctoral subject area.

The University Research Office will keep note of balances in individual accounts. Students needs to consult their supervisors before spending money in the PReSS accounts. Appropriate documentation, such as receipts, must be submitted to the Financial Administrator when seeking reimbursement. If there is any doubt about the suitability of an expenditure, check with the supervisor and Financial Administrator first.


The Mathematics collections at Auckland University are the most extensive within New Zealand and among the best in the southern hemisphere. They include some 480 m of serials and 380 m of monographs.

Mathematical books and periodicals are located with other science collections on the Mezzanine floor of the General Library. Library staff are located there to provide specialised services to staff and graduate students including individual consultations, electronic current awareness services, training in database usage, bibliographic searches, information management and referrals. Voyager (the Library Catalogue), the new Catalogue search engine and other electronic resources can be accessed online via LEARN, the Library's electronic network.

Use it to locate books, journals, and other resources held in all the libraries of the University, to request an inter-library loan, to access electronic journals and books, to place recalls, and to check your patron details, including which books you have on loan or have recalled. These resources may be accessed from computers in the University of Auckland Library System, laboratories and offices on the Campus and from home.

For more information about these services contact Michael Parkinson (the Mathematics Librarian) on 373 87599 Ext 85858 or by email.

Seminars and seminars participation

Departmental seminars

The department has a very dynamic seminars, workshops and colloquium talks programme.

The seminar links below lead to detailed information about the attendees, their research interests and publications, and some related pages of interest.

PhD students are required to attend the Colloquium seminars in - at least - the area of the PhD thesis research. Departmental Colloquia attendance is compulsory.

Local student research conferences
  • A departmental Student Research Conference for Phd and graduate students is organised every second year.
  • Our PhD students are involved in the organisation of the and participate in great numbers to the New Zealand Mathematics and Statistics Postgraduate Conference, NZMASP (please see the links below for details and images):
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