Origami Saturday

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Following on from the resounding success of the Great Origami Maths and Science Show the Department of Mathematics at the University of Auckland is pleased to present


Date 14th July 2007

Time 9 for a 9:30 start

Venue: Ground Floor of the Chemistry Building at the Corner of Symonds and Wellesley Streets ( Building 301) Room G 053 There will be tea, coffee and light refreshments available from 9 in the area outside the lecture theatre on the ground floor.

09:30 – 10:20 Bill Higginson

An Exceptionally 'Pli'sing Enterprise: 'Up Over' Observations on GOMSS: The past decade has seen unprecedented growth in the range, accessibility to, and depth of materials illustrating the links between origami and mathematics. From an international perspective one of the most interesting initiatives has been New Zealand's Great Origami Mathematics and Science Show. In this session a North American observer will 'supplement' the GOMSS examples with an emphasis on 'classroom-constructible' examples. Some aspects of the potential of these sorts of activities as components of a broader conception of mathematics education will be identified.

10:30 – 11:20 Hugh Gribben

Join Hugh for a stroll through angles and triangles collecting bouquets of fractals and whistling mathematical melodies as we go!! We will cover a collection of topics, mostly relevant to the curriculum, focusing on years 9 to 11.

12:00 – 13:00 Jonathan Baxter

I will share with you some of the amazing creatures and shapes I have folded and show you how to liven up your maths classes while satisfying your students’ creative urges.

No Costs Come for Relaxation or Inspiration

RSVP to Judy Paterson to give me an idea of numbers

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