Help:Uploading and updating study guides

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Uploading and updating study documents


Note: this applies to all files uploading and updating


Short help

Your study guide is located in a template (page) called {{MATHS XXX:Study guide}} where XX is your course number. You can access this page by

  • going to your course page, that is MATHS XXX and
  • loging in (use your old maths username and password for now, not the upi-based).
  • Click on the edit link at the top of the page.

All the templates that build up the page will appear under the editing window.

  • Now click on the link saying Template:MATHS XXX:Study guide}}

For papers that are not available in the current semester, the previous semester study guide is available for students as orientative information.

We attempt to store study guides locally (as well as on Cecil) in order to make them available to potential students and for archiving reasons. There is a naming convention for these files: MATHS XXX YYYY SS Syllabus.pdf (see below for details)

Creating a new study guide link

When you change the current semester for a give course, your page will contain a red study guide link looking like Study guide - Semester S YYYY

Click on this link to upload a .pdf study guide from your computer/memory stick.

If a study guide already exists and you wish to upload an updated version, click on the update study guide link at the top of your course page.


To upload a study guide (once the uploading link was created) click on the red study guide link from your specific course page. (see the last section at the bottom of this page for how to create this link.)


If this link is displayed in red, it means that the study guide has to be uploaded.

To effectively upload a file:
  • save your study guide in .pdf format
  • click on the red link
  • browse through your computer's files and select the file you wish to upload
  • tick the box ignore any warnings and
  • click on upload.
If you go back to your original page, the link should be now displayed in blue and should take the visitor to your .pdf study guide.

Updating an already uploaded file

If you need to upload a new version of a file (other that study guides for current semesters: Either

  • search for your file name and click on its link

Or, if your file is linked into a wiki page:

  • Open your page for editing (log in, go to your page, click on edit)
  • in your editing window, you will see a sequence of teh following type:


  • Media with Image such that your text reads [[Image:yourfile.pdf]]
  • Click on preview
  • the preview window should show you a link called


  • click on this link
This will take you to a page giving information on your actual pdf file.
Click on the option Upload a new version of this file.
  • proceed as for a regular file upload (see above)
  • do not save your edited page


This is a desirable feature that was lost in teh tranmsfer from the public to the secure wiki: When you upload a study guide on the (wiki) course page, it will be automatically linked on an Archive page, at Course Syllabi, provided you respected the naming convention.

For the time being the naming convention for study guides is

MATHS XXX YYYY SS Syllabus.pdf


XXX is the course number
YYYY is the year
SS is the semester (FS for Semester 1, SS for Semester 2, AS for Summer School)

and the complete name of the link to a study guide should be of the form Media:MATHS XXX YYYY SS Syllabus.pdf

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