Help:How to edit/create a course summary

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NB. this page is slightly outdated.

The course summary is based on the official information that has to be identical to the Calendar entry for the respective course

A course summary will have most of the following fields:

  • Number
  • Availability
  • Points
  • Description
  • Prerequisites
  • Recommended preparation
  • Restrictions
  • Expectations
  • Texts

This information usually remains constant over one academic year, but their might be the occasional update.

Once a year, when the Calendar information has been approved by the Faculty Commitee, the summary entries for the next years courses need to be created.

To create a course summary you need to create a new template (a page whose name is between double accolades { {} }. The name of the new page will be MATHS XXX:Summary yyyy where XXX is the course number and yyyy is the year.

The new page will be based on a model, which is stored in a separate page (that provides a uniform template and takes care of the layout). This "model" page is called Course Summary

The contents of the Course Summary model page is displayed below

MATHS {{{Number}}} Summary

Availability: {{{Availability}}}

Points: {{{Points}}}



{{{Prerequisites}}} {{{Recommended preparation}}} {{{Restrictions}}}{{{Expectations}}}


This model does not need to be copied, but to be called in the new page you create.

The words in triple { } are the fields of your template,that is the elements that compulsory appear on an actual Course summary.

To use the Course Summary template, you need to tell your page where to take its fields and layout from.

You do this by writing

{{Course Summary

Now you need to enter your fields:

each field is entered after a vertical bar symbol, that is |, followed by the name of the field as it appears in the Course Summary template above,followed by equal, followed by the value of the field.

Example below:


|Availability={ {MATHS 91F:Availability} }


|Description={ {MATHS 91F:2007 Description} }


|Recommended preparation=

|Restrictions={ {MATHS 91F:Restrictions} }




This template is flexible, so if you wish to add information, you can add it at any point (after any field of the standard format). If, on the contrary, there are fields that you don't need, you still need to "instantiate them", to give them a value, but this value will be blank space. Such an example is the field Prerequisite above.

When you are done, don't forget to enter the double }} that tells your system that you finished calling you Course Summary Template

And SAVE !

Here is a mock example: Free free to edit and play around.

Template:MATHS 000:Summary 3999

A filled in mock example

MATHS 001:3999 Description

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