Analysis, Geometry and Topology Staff

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  • Bruce Calvert: Non-linear functional analysis, network flows.
  • David Gauld: Set-Theoretic topology, especially applications to topological manifolds. Volterra spaces.
  • Rod Gover: Differential geometry and its relationship to representation theory. Applications to analysis on manifolds, PDE theory and Mathematical Physics. Conformal, CR and related structures.
  • Sina Greenwood: My primary area of research is set theoretic topology and in particular nonmetrisable manifolds and discrete dynamical systems. I am also involved in research on Brunnian links.
  • Tom ter Elst: Harmonic analysis, operator theory, geometric analysis, subelliptic and degenerate operators, PDE.
  • Warren Moors: Functional Analysis. Applications of topology to analysis.
  • Paul-Andi Nagy: Differential geometry. Mathematical physics. Complex analysis. Representation theory.
  • Joel Schiff: Complex analysis, potential theory, arithmetic Fourier transform.
  • Shayne Waldron: Approximation Theory, polynomial interpolation, numerical methods.

Research Projects and graduate study

If you are thinking about an Honours degree, Postgraduate Diploma, Masters of higher level graduate study in analysis, geometry, topology or related areas (such as mathematical physics) then please contact one of the persons listed above. We will be happy to advise you about possible projects and other things like scholarship support and future opportunities. Contact details and other information may be obtained from

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