Computer Laboratories for Mathematics and Statistics
The computer laboratories for the Mathematics and Statistics
Departments are in the basement of the south end of the
Mathematics/Physics building (Bldg 303).
- Labs website:
- Access is either from the basement of the Mathematics/Physics
building or from thefoyer near the Science Faculty Student Centre.
- The Basement Computer Laboratory (BCL, B91) is open as
follows:Monday to Thursday: 9am to 8pm; Friday: 9am to 5pm; Saturday
and Sunday: closed.
- To use a lab computer you will need your NetAccount username and
password. You canget your username and initial password by swiping your
ID card at one of the printers.You can also do this at the Information
Commons. If you have forgotten your password, go to the Information
Commons to get it reset.
- To print, swipe your ID card at one of the printers. Ask a
demonstrator for help if youhave any problems.
- When BCL is closed, or full, then Mathematics and Statistics
students may use freecomputers in the Computer Science laboratories on
the ground and first floors. Thecomputers in all the labs access the
same server, so it is possible to save your files inone lab and then
access them again from another lab.
- Demonstrators who can help Mathematics and Statistics students
will be on duty inBCL whenever it is open. They will be wearing red or
yellow sashes. All demonstratorswill be able to help with all first
year courses and most second year courses. For more advanced courses
you may need to see particular demonstrators.
- Remember that only demonstrators wearing sashes are working. If a
demonstrator is inthe lab without a sash, they are not on duty. Do NOT
ask them for help.
- Food and drinks are not allowed in any of the computer labs
except for bottled water.
- Games are not allowed in any of the computer labs.
- Offenders may be banned from the lab immediately -even when the
assignment is due!
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