Keynote speakers of ICEm3
The plenary sessions
The plenary sessions are listed below by chronological
order. Some presentations can be downloaded.
1. Jerry Lipka, Dora Andrew, and Evelyn Yanez (USA, Alaska):
two way process for developing culturally based math: examples from math in a
cultural context.
Open file: 
2. Indigenous Knowledge Panel
Willy Alangui (The Philippines,
Dora Andrew & Evelyn Yanez
(USA, Alaska)
Salinieta Bakalevu (Fiji). Open file: 
Colleen McMurchy-Pilkington (New
Joel Martim (Brazil). Open file: 
Mogege Mosimege (South Africa) Open file: 
3. Mathematical Workshop
Hariata Adams and Whanau, Ngati
Maniapoto (New Zealand): Raranga Harakeke (Flax Weaving).
4. Symposium in Memory of Claudia Zalslavsky
Ubiratan D'Ambrosio (Brazil,
chair): The Work of Claudia Zaslavsky.
Maria Do Carme Domite (Brazil): Indigenous
intercultural program of education, elementary teacher undergraduate
Open file: 
Kay Owens (Australia): International
contacts in Ethnomathematics.
Open file:
Open paper:
Lawrence Shirley (USA): Claudia Zaslavsky and my work.
Open file: 
5. Mathematical Workshop. Filipe Tohi (Tonga): Lalava (Rope
6. Gelsa Knijnik (Brazil): Ethnomathematics and the
Brazilian landless movement.
Open file: 
7. Ubiratan D'Ambrosio (Brazil): The scenario 30 years after.
Open file: 
About the keynote speakers
Plenary 1, 2 and 3
Ubiratan D'Ambrosio
Professor Ubiratan D'Ambrosio is Emeritus Professor of
Mathematics at the State University of Campinas UNICAMP. Currently, Professor
of Maths Education and History of Science in the Graduate Programmess of the
Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo. Also, an invited professor and
graduate advisor at the Institute of Geosciences and Exacts Sciences of the
State University of São Paulo at Rio Claro/UNESP, and of the Faculty of
Education of the University of São Paulo/USP.
Gelsa Knijnik
Gelsa Knijnik is professor of the Graduate
Program on Education of the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil. In
the last 15 years she has been working with the Brazilian Landless Movement.
Her studies in the field of Ethnomathematics are based on this work, which
provides her the possibility of establishing a closer connection between her
academic scholarship and her political commitment with the construction of a
more just world.
Dora Andrew
Andrew-Ihrke is a well respected educator, teacher, and former bilingual
coordinator for the Dillingham City Schools. She has been recognized many times
for her excellence in teaching. Most notably, she received the Milken award for
teaching in 1990. Now she is a consultant for Math in a Cultural Context,
University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Jerry Lipka
Lipka has worked collaboratively in Alaska with community groups, particularly
with Yup'ik Eskimos. He is a faculty member at the University of Alaska
Fairbanks and the Principal Investigator of Math in a Cultural Context.
Evelyn Yanez
Yanez is a well respected educator, teacher, and former bilingual coordinator
for Southwest Region Schools. She has worked with Math in a Cultural Context,
University of Alaska Fairbanks, since the project's inception. She is currently
a regional school board member for Southwest Region schools.
Indigenous Knowledge Panel
Willy Alangui
Willy Alangui--is
a member of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
of the College of Science, University of the Philippines Baguio, in Baguio
City, Philippines. He is an indigenous person, a Kankanaey-Igorot from the Mountain Province in the Cordillera region.
He is currently finishing his PhD studies under Bill Barton of The University
of Auckland. His research interests are in mathematics and culture, and population
Mogege Mosimege
Mogege has been working in the
Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) Unit of the National Department of Science
and Technology in Pretoria, South Africa. He recently joined the Overseas
Bilateral Cooperation Unit of the Department. He has worked at the Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) where he managed the IKS Unit and the
University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus) as Mathematics and Science Education
Lecturer. He holds a PhD in Mathematics Education (Ethnomathematics) from the
University of the Western Cape.
Salanieta Bakalevu
Dr Salanieta
Bakalevu is a Fijian educator and presently lecturer in mathematics education
at the University of the South Pacific (USP), Fiji. Obtained my undergraduate
degree and teaching qualification from the University of the South Pacific, and
Ph.D (Mathematics Education) at the University of Waikato. Taught in secondary
schools in Fiji for several years. Has been Curriculum officer at the
Curriculum Development Unit, instructional designer at USP's Distance &
Flexible Learning Centre, and Head of the Learning Centre at the Fiji Institute
of Technology.
Collen McMurchy-Pilkington
Colleen's masters
thesis examined Mäori women's mathematical thinking in Marae kitchen. Her
doctoral research analysed the policy development process of pangarau the Mäori
medium national mathematics curriculum. Colleen works with Mäori primary
teacher trainees and at post graduate level.
Joel Martim is an Indigenous female leader's
son: the Guarani leader Jandira Augusto Martim, from the indigenous village
Tekoá Ytú. He has professional/cultural functions involving spreading the
Guarani and other indigenous cultures, and also as an adult education teacher.
He is interested in school education in the indigenous communities.
in honour of Claudia Zaslavsky
Maria do Carmo Domite
Maria do Carmo Domite
works in the Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo, where she has had
long term interests in ethnomathematics and problem posing. She has been
leading a project in mathematics education development with a group of
indigenous teachers. She is also known for chairing an interview between
Ubiratan D'Ambrosio and Paulo Freire.
Kay Owens
Kay Owens worked in Papua New Guinea for 15 years where she
became interested in ethnomathematics in the mid 1970s. She has continued
working with PNG colleagues on ethnomathematics, most recently through the Glen
Lean Ethnomathematics Centre at the University of Goroka. Kay lectures at
Charles Sturt University, Dubbo NSW where there is a large Indigenous
Lawrence Shirley
Lawrence Shirley is a Prof. of Mathematics and
Associate Dean of the Graduate College of Towson University in Maryland USA. He
has a special interest in the history of mathematics and ethnomathematics.
After Peace Corps service as a mathematics teacher in Sierra Leone, he taught
in Nigeria for fifteen years and guided several student projects in the
mathematics of Nigerian culture.
He is the past-president of the North American Study Group on
Maori Workshop – Raranga Harakeke
Hariata Adams & Whanau
Ngati Maniapoto
Pacifika Workshop – Lalava
Filipe Tohi
Filipe Tohi was born in Ngeleia in the Kingdom of
Tonga in 1959. As a young
man he emigrated to New Zealand and trained himself to be an artist, eventually
teaching carving and drawing in Taranaki. Seeking to incorporate his
cultural roots in his artistic practice, Tohi returned to Tonga to learn about
the ancient art of sennit lashing, called Lalava. Since then he has
become one of New Zealand's top contemporary artists, gathering acclaim for his
ability to apply the fundamentals of Tongan culture to minimalist sculpture.