Some researchers were unable to attend the Conference but we received an abstract or/and a paper from them. They are listed below in alphabetic order of first author's name. The aim is to give more examples of current research in ethnomathematics in different countries.
Adams, B.,
Adam, S. & Opbroek, M. Adapting
culturally based curriculum for use in classrooms of other cultures. A case
example from Nenana, Alaska, USA. Open abstract: Open paper:
Alberti, M.
& Gorgorió, N. Cultural
tools as mediators of mathematical cognition: Iron and bamboo compasses of the
Torajan woodcarvers of Sulawesi. Open abstract: Open paper:
Alberti, M. The
Kira-kira method of the Torajan woodcarvers of Sulawesi to divide a segment
into equal parts. Open abstract: Open paper:
Andrade (de),
S., Gonçalves Costa, W. N. & Domingues, K. C. Ethnomathematics: a
genealogical and archaeological look at mathematics.Chassot, A.
I. Um outro marco zero para olhar a História da Ci�ncia e da Matemàtica na
America Latina. Open abstract: Open paper:
Chassot, I. Um outro marco zero para olhar a História da Ciência e da Matemática na América Latina. Open abstract:
N. A. Edução matemàtica
em timor leste. Open abstract: Open paper:
Domingues, K.
C. Ethnomathematics and the
formation of the Indigenous teachers of the state of São Paulo – Brazil. Open abstract: Open paper:
Dunn, T. K. Using
Hmong textiles to explore symmetry, patterns, and tessellations: influences of
culturally based mathematics materials on teaching and learning. Open abstract:
El Bouhtoury,
M. La comprensión de la probabilidad frecuencial en el caso de alumnos
Marroquies y Españoles: un estudio comparativo. Open abstract:
Fernandes, E.
& Mesquita, M. Social
and technical speech: discussion of mathematics knowledge production out of
school of not dominant cultures. Open abstract:
Ferreira, R. Etnomatemática:
uma manifestaço do renascimento trágico na paisagem pós-moderna. Open abstract:
Fisher, J. Enriching
students' learning through ethnomathematics. Open abstract: Open paper:
M., Mukhopadhyay, S. & Powell A. B. Ethnomathematics: preparing
culturally responsive teachers. Open abstract:
K. Ethnomyths: a critical examination of the epistemological and educational
challenges of ethnomathematics. Open abstract: Open paper:
Hudson, R. TIMSS
1999 video study, what can other countries learn from the Japanese mathematics
teachers, as well as culturally as a whole? Open abstract:
Hudson, R. Perceptions on technology of Australian mathematics
teachers: a reflection from culturally diverse society. Open abstract:
Karam, R.
& Liblik A. Skilled
calculus from Brazilian´s northeastern farming region. Open abstract: Open paper:
Knijnik, G. Ethnomathematics
research in a postmodern time. Open abstract:
Lam, E. Teaching mathematics to
Indigenous students: a comparative study of New Zealand and the Province of
Saskatchewan. Open abstract:
Liblik, A. Throwing
Seeds II... Open abstract:
Matang, R. Linking
ethnomathematics, constructivist theory of learning and situated cognition: an
example from Papua New Guinea. Open abstract: Open paper:
Matos, J. F.,
Santos, M. & Mesquita M. Technoracy,
materacy and literacy: recognizing, validating, and certifying mathematical
competences. Open abstract:
Mesquito, M.
& Restivo, S. Against
essentialism: the end of Platonist mathematics. Open abstract:
Vitturi (de), M. & Favilli, F. Sona
drawings, mirror curves and pattern designs. Open abstract: Open paper:
Monteiro, A.
& Mendes, J. R. Knowledge,
school and non-school practices: building relationships about the process of
inclusion / exclusion in the curriculum. Open abstract:
Mosimege, M. Ethnomathematical
research and indigenous knowledge systems in South Africa: current developments
and future implications. Open abstract:
Pais, A.,
Gerardo, H. & Lima, V. Ethnomathematics
and critical mathematics education: conflicts and convergences. Open abstract:
Pimm, D. Language
and ethnomathematics. Open abstract:
Ribeiro, J.
P. Dinâmica intercultural: a etnomatemática como um caminho. Open abstract:
Santos, M.,
Matos, J. P. Recognizing
mathematical competences. Open abstract:
E. & Keller, A. From
string figures to mathematical riddles, exploring definitions of mathematics. Open abstract:
Walls, F. Images of mathematics education
in the South Pacific: discursive practices as cultural cargo. Open abstract:
F. Matemática escolar como mecanismo de regulação: um estudo na perspectiva
da Etnomatemática. Open abstract:
Wong, P. Votive
mathematical tablets in Edo Japan. Open abstract: