Furthermore, such a polynomial reflects the rotational symmetry of the weight in a deeper way: its rotations under other subgroups of the group of rotations forms a tight frame for $\cP_n$, with a continuous version also holding. Along the way, we show that other frame decompositions with natural symmetries exist, and consider a number of structural properties of $\P_n$ including the form of the monomial orthogonal polynomials, and whether or not $\P_n$ contains ridge functions.
Keywords: Gegenbauer (ultraspherical) polynomials, Legendre polynomials on the disc, disc polynomials, Zernike polynomials, quadrature for trigonometric polynomials, representation theory, ridge functions, tight frames
Math Review Classification: Primary 33C45, 33D50; Secondary 06B15, 42C15
Length: 15 pages
Last Updated: 10 May 2007