Bill Barton - Recent Seminars

Seminars (Last Three Years)


  • September: Dept. Mathematics, Auckland University, "The Mathematics of Triple Weaving"

  • October: Dept. Maths & Stats, Otago University, "Bridging Mathematics"


  • April: Dept. Education, University of British Columbia, "Mathematics in Maori Education"

  • May: BSRLM Conference, Loughbrough, "Comparing English and Australasian Mathematics Education Research Communities"

  • May: Centre for Mathematics Education, Open University "Mathematics Entry Courses: Research Agenda"

  • May:Dept. Education, Manchester University, "Ethnomathematics in Education"

  • June: Dept. Education, Birmingham University, "My Worries About Ethnomathematics"

  • June: Swedish Maths. Teachers Conference, Mullsjo, Sweden, "Going for a Ferry Ride - A Metaphor for Maths Course Development"

  • June: Dept. Education, Free University of Berlin, Germany, "A Spider's Web - Multicultural Classrooms"

  • July: Centre for Mathematics Education, Open University, "Mathematics Entry Courses: Research Agenda Revisited"

  • July: Invited Keynote to Working Group 21, ICME-8, Seville, "Untangling the Net of Culture"

  • November "Review of Research" Day at CSMTER, Waikato University, "Directions for Research in Mathematics Education"


  • January: Dept. Mathematics, Cape Town University & SAARSME conference, Witwatersrand University, "Riding the Ferry: A Theory and Metaphor for Bridging Mathematics Courses"

  • January: Dept. Education, University of Durban-Westville & SAARMSE conference, Witwatersrand University, "Developing Mathematics Vocabulary: the New Zealand Experience"

  • January: Ministry of Education, Mozambique; University College of Swaziland; & SAARMSE conference, University of Witswatersrand, "Ethnomathematics: A Mathematical View of Culture"

  • January: SAARMSE conference Keynote Address, University of Witswatersrand, "Spinning a Language Web: Limitations and Opportunities provided by Language in Mathematics and Science Education"

  • March: Bay of Plenty Mathematics Association AGM, "The Web of Multicultural Classrooms"

  • August: School of Languages, UNITEC Institute of Technology, "A Pakeha View of the Treaty of Waitangi"(1997)

    Last updated 9 September 1997

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