Bill Barton - Research Papers (last three years)

  • BARTON, B.; FAIRHALL, U. & TRINICK, T. 'Tikanga Reo Tatai: Issues in the Development of a Maori Mathematics Register'. Accepted for publication in For The Learning of Mathematics

  • BARTON, B. 'Ethnomathematics: A Theoretical Overview'. In A. Begg et al (eds) SAMEpapers 97, Hamilton, NZ: CSMTER (In press)

  • BARTON, B. (1997). 'Cultural Issues in NZ Mathematics Education'. In Neyland, J. (ed), Mathematics Education, Vol 2, Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

  • BARTON, B. (1997) 'The Politics of Mathematics Education'. In Neyland, J. (ed), Mathematics Education, Vol 2, Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

  • BARTON, B. (1997) 'Spinning a Language Web: Limitations and Opportunities provided by Language in Mathematics and Science Education' (Keynote address to SAARMSE-5). In Proceedings of SAARMSE-5, Wits University

  • BARTON, B. (1997) 'Riding the Ferry: A Theory and Metaphor for Bridging Mathematics Courses'. In Proceedings of SAARMSE-5, Wits University

  • BARTON, B. (1997) 'Developing Mathematics Vocabulary: the New Zealand Experience'. In Proceedings of SAARMSE-5, Wits University

  • BARTON, B. (1997) 'Ethnomathematics: A Mathematical View of Culture'. In L. Wood & G Perrett (eds) Advanced Mathematical Discourse, University of Technology, Sydney

  • BARTON, B. (1996) 'Anthropological Perspectives on Mathematics and Mathematics Education'. In A. Bishop et al (eds) Handbook of Mathematics Education, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers

  • BARTON, B. (1996) 'Making Sense of Ethnomathematics: Ethnomathematics is Making Sense'. In S. Lerman (ed) Educational Studies in Mathematics: Special Issue Vol 31, pp. 201-233

  • BARTON, B. (1995). 'History of the Development of Maori Mathematics Vocabulary'. In Begg et al (eds), SAMEpapers 95, Hamilton, NZ: CSMER

  • BARTON, B., BEGG, A., BUTEL, C., ELLIS, J. (1995) 'Current Developments in New Zealand/Aotearoa'. In Bell (ed), Asian Perspectives on Mathematics Education.

  • BARTON, B., FAIRHALL, U. (eds) (1995) Mathematics In Maori Education, Auckland: The University of Auckland, Mathematics Education Unit.

  • BARTON. B. & FAIRHALL, U. (1995) 'Is Mathematics A Trojan Horse? Mathematics in Maori Education'. In B. Barton & U. Fairhall (eds) Mathematics In Maori Education, Auckland: The University of Auckland, Mathematics Education Unit.

  • BARTON. B., FAIRHALL, U. & TRINICK, T. (1995) 'He Korero Kupu Tatai: Word Stories in Maori Mathematics Vocabulary Development'. In B. Barton & U. Fairhall (eds) Mathematics In Maori Education, Auckland: The University of Auckland, Mathematics Education Unit.

  • BARTON. B. (1995) '1251: What Do the Doorknobs Tell Us About the Mansion? A Report of a Mathematics Curriculum Change Longitudinal Investigation. In S. Flavel et al (eds) GALTHA Conference Proceedings of MERGA 18, Darwin: Mathematics Education Research Group Australasia

    Last changed 9 September 1997

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