Title: Character Theory of Finite Groups Lecturer: Don Taylor The University of Sydney Abstract: Gauss introduced (and named) characters in connection with the composition of binary quadratic forms. Dirichlet, Dedekind and then Frobenius rephrased the ideas of Gauss in terms of what are now called characters of abelian groups. Frobenius, Burnside, Schur and Brauer went on to develop character theory as an important tool for the study of the structure of finite groups. There are still intriguing open questions! For example, the McKay conjecture: a finite group G and the normaliser of a Sylow p-subgroup of G have the same number of characters of degree not divisible by p. The lecture titles are: (1) Introduction to character theory. (2) Burnside's theorem on groups of order p^a q^b. (3) Induced characters and Frobenius reciprocity. (4) An elementary approach to the characters of the symmetric groups.