The groups with order dividing p^7, p an odd prime

Here we provide access to notes which describe aspects of our construction
of the groups with order dividing p^7, where p is an odd prime. 
We make no claims regarding the coherence nor completeness of these notes.
They are contemporaneous records of various computations.

The notes  are provided "as is"  and are available as four pdf files.

Notes on groups with order p^5
Notes on groups with order p^6
Notes on groups with order p^7, exponent p
Notes on groups with order p^7

You can download pdf versions of the following paper,
which reports on our classification of the groups with order p^6:

M.F. Newman, E.A. O'Brien and M.R. Vaughan-Lee,
Groups and nilpotent Lie rings whose order is the sixth power of a prime,
J. Algebra,  278,
383-401, 2004.

or a preprint on our classification of the groups with order p^7:

E.A. O'Brien and M.R. Vaughan-Lee,
The groups with order p^7 for odd prime p,
accepted J. Algebra, 2005.

The SmallGroups library already contains descriptions of the  groups with order p^6. 

We plan to make our descriptions  for those with order p^7 available as part of this library.
You may wish to download a preliminary Magma version.
Read the enclosed README file for instructions on its use.

Eamonn O'Brien and Michael Vaughan-Lee
Last updated January 2005.