Warren Moors' Homepage

Warren Moors' Homepage

Here are some of my recent publications.

Some rough and unpublished notes on Separate and Joint Continuity
An Abstract Variational Theorem
Dual Differentiation Spaces
A Gentle introduction to James' weak compactness theorem and beyond
On a one-sided James’ theorem
Nearly Chebyshev sets are almost convex
Weak compactness of sublevel sets
Some Baire semitopological groups that are topological groups
An elementary proof of James' characterisation of weak compactness II
Fragmentable mappings and CHART groups
Chebyshev sets
Fragmentability by the discrete metric
Eberlein Theorem and Norm Continuity of Pointwise Continuous Mappings into Function Spaces
Invariant means on CHART groups
Semitopological groups, Bouziad spaces and topological groups
Any semitopological group that is homeomorphic to a product of Cech-complete spaces is a topological group
A note on Fort's theorem
Pseudo-compact semi-topological groups
Furstenberg's structure theorem via CHART groups
Wijsman Hyperspaces and Embeddings
Fragmentability of groups and metric-valued function spaces
An elementary proof of James' characterisation of weak compactness
Stability of closedness of convex cones under linear mappings II
Order matters when choosing sets
On the topology of pointwise convergence on the boundaries of L_1-preduals
Stability of closedness of convex cones under linear mappings
Rich families, W-spaces and the product of Baire spaces
On separable subspaces of affine function spaces on convex compact sets      
Separate continuity, joint continuity, the Lindelof property and p-spaces
Separate continuity, joint continuity and the Lindelof property
A survey on topological games and their applications in analysis
The product of a Baire space with a hereditarily Baire metric space is Baire
Some more recent results concerning weak Asplund spaces

Here are some of my older publications Old Publications

Proceedings of the International Conference on Analytic Topology and its Applications Proceedings

C.V. as of 08/07/2021

41st Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians (April 2012) Bulgarian Talk                   Petar Kenderov's 70th Birthday Conference (June 2013) A survey on topological games

Newcastle Talk (Contains a self-contained proof of James' characterisation of weak compactness in the setting of separable Banach spaces) Newcastle Talk

MATHS 731 Functional Analysis Course Notes