Time-dependent water-wave scattering by arrays of cylinders and the
approximation of near trapping
M. H. Meylan & R. Eatock Taylor.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
vol. 000 (2008),
pp. 000-000
If a movie is not displayed, please use the links in the caption to
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Movie 1. The near trapped mode for four cylinders associated
with the scattering frequency at 2.7641 - 0.0122i.
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Movie 2. The near trapped mode for nine cylinders associated
with the scattering frequency at 2.7114 - 0.0041i
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Movie 3. One of the near trapped modes for nine cylinders associated
with the scattering frequency at 2.7635 - 0.0086i
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Movie 4. One of the near trapped modes for nine cylinders associated
with the scattering frequency at 2.7635 - 0.0086i
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Movie 5. The near trapped mode for nine cylinders associated
with the scattering frequency at 2.8284 - 0.0102i
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Movie 6. The true (a) and approximate (b) solution for
four cylinders for a plane
incident wave given by equation (4.7).
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Movie 7. The true (a) and approximate (b) solution for
nine cylinders for a plane
incident wave given by equation (4.7).
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Movie 8. The true (a) and approximate (b) solution for
four cylinders for a plane
incident wave given by equation (4.8). We do not start the
approximate solution until t=0.
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Movie 9. The true (a) and approximate solution (b) for an incident
displacement given by equation (4.10) for four cylinders.
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Movie 10. The true (a) and approximate solution (b) for an incident
displacement given by equation (4.10) for nine cylinders.
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