PUBLICATIONS BY MARSTON CONDER 1980- 1. Generators for alternating and symmetric groups, Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2) 22 (1980), 75-86. 2. More on generators for alternating and symmetric groups, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) Ser.2 32 (1981), 137-163. 3. On the group of Rubik's "magic" cube, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics & its Applications 17 (1981), 241-243. 4. Some results on quotients of triangle groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 30 (1984), 73-90. 5. The symmetric genus of alternating and symmetric groups, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 39 (1985), 179-186. 6. A family of Hurwitz groups with non-trivial centres, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 33 (1986), 123-130. 7. A note on Cayley graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 40 (1986), 362-368. 8. A note on maximal automorphism groups of compact Riemann surfaces, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 17 (1986), 58-60. 9. Hurwitz groups with arbitrarily large centres, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 18 (1986), 269-271. 10. The genus of compact Riemann surfaces with maximal automorphism group, Journal of Algebra 108 (1987), 204-247. 11. A new 5-arc-transitive cubic graph, Journal of Graph Theory 11 (1987), 303-307. 12. Three-relator quotients of the modular group, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) Ser.2 38 (1987), 427-447. 13. Groups of minimal genus: including C_2 extensions of PSL(2,q) for certain q, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) Ser.2 38 (1987), 449-460. 14. Maximal automorphism groups of symmetric Riemann surfaces with small genus, Journal of Algebra 114 (1988), 16-28. 15. (With John McKay) A necessary condition for transitivity of a finite permutation group, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 20 (1988), 235-238. 16. On the group G^{6,6,6}, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) Ser.2 39 (1988), 175-183. 17. An infinite family of 5-arc-transitive cubic graphs, Ars Combinatoria 25A (1988), 95-108. 18. Reidemeister-Schreier in disguise, Ars Combinatoria 26A (1988), 73-84. 19. Constructing symmetric graphs, Theta 3 (1989), 11-16. 20. (With Peter Lorimer) Automorphism groups of symmetric graphs of valency 3, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 47 (1989), 60-72. 21. An infinite family of 4-arc-transitive graphs each with girth 12, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 21 (1989), 375-380. 22. Bernhard Hermann Neumann, The New Zealand Mathematical Society Newsletter 47 (1989), 20-22. 23. A surprising isomorphism, Journal of Algebra 129 (1990), 494-501. 24. Hurwitz groups: a brief survey, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 23 (1990), 359-370. 25. (With Margaret Morton) A note on groups associated with 4-arc-transitive cubic graphs, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 22 (1991), 553-560. 26. A question by Graham Higman concerning quotients of the (2,3,7) triangle group, Journal of Algebra 141 (1991), 275-286. 27. Random walks in large finite groups, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 4 (1991), 49-57. 28. Experimental algebra, Mathematical Chronicle 20 (1991), 1-11. 29. The symmetric genus of the Mathieu groups, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 23 (1991), 445-453. 30. (With Edmund Robertson & Peter Williams) Presentations for 3-dimensional special linear groups over integer rings, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 115 (1992), 19-26. 31. Modern applications of mathematics, N.Z. Mathematics Magazine 28 (1992), 17-20. 32. Schreier coset graphs and their applications, RIMS Kokyuroku 794 (1992), 169-175. 33. (With Ravi Kulkarni) Infinite families of automorphism groups of Riemann surfaces, Groups & Geometry (London Math. Society Lecture Note Series,vol. 173), 1992, pp. 47-56. 34. (With Robert Wilson & Andrew Woldar) The symmetric genus of sporadic simple groups, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 116 (1992), 653-663. 35. Group actions on the cubic tree, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 1 (1992), 209-218. 36. Generating the Mathieu groups and associated Steiner systems, Discrete Mathematics 112 (1993), 41-47. 37. Hexagon-free subgraphs of hypercubes, Journal of Graph Theory 17 (1993), 477-479. 38. (With Paul Hafner) Fermat's Last Theorem proved by Andrew Wiles, N.Z. Mathematics Magazine 17 (1993), 5-6. 39. (With Chris Godsil) The symmetric group as a polynomial space, Combinatorial and Graph-Theoretic Problems in Linear Algebra, The I.M.A. Volumes in Mathematics & its Applications, vol. 50 (Springer-Verlag), 1993, pp. 219-227. 40. (With Robert Wilson & Andrew Woldar) The symmetric genus of sporadic simple groups: announced results, Coding Theory, Design Theory, Group Theory (Wiley), 1993, pp. 163-169. 41. (With Gaven Martin) Cusps, triangle groups and hyperbolic 3-folds, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 55 (1993), 149-182. 42. (With Colin Campbell \& Edmund Robertson) Defining-relations for Hurwitz groups, Glasgow Math. Journal 36 (1994), 363-370. 43. Dense networks with no small circuits, in: Proceedings of Salodays in Auckland (Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland), 1994, pp. 33-34. 44. Regular maps with small parameters, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 57 (1994), 103-112. 45. Pure mathematics: an art? or an experimental science?, N.Z. Science Review 51 (1994), 99-102. 46. Two-element generation of the finite reflection groups, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) 46 (1995), 95-106. 47. (With Jianbei An) The Alperin and Dade conjectures for the simple Mathieu groups, Commmunications in Algebra 23 (1995), 2797-2823. 48. (With Margaret Morton) Classification of trivalent symmetric graphs of small order, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 11 (1995), 139-149. 49. (With Jianbei An) On the numbers of 2-weights, unipotent conjugacy classes, and irreducible Brauer 2-characters of finite classical groups, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 123 (1995), 2297-2304. 50. (With Peter Lorimer & Cheryl Praeger) Constructions for arc-transitive digraphs, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 59 (1995), 61-80. 51. (With Brent Everitt) Regular maps on non-orientable surfaces, Geometriae Dedicata 56 (1995), 209-219. 52. Semi-automated theorem proving -- the impact of computers on research in pure mathematics, in: Proceedings of the First Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (Singapore, December 1995), pp. 1-8. 53. (With Brian Alspach, Dragan Marusic & Xu Ming-Yao) A classification of 2-arc-transitive circulants, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 5(1996), 83-86. 54. (With Cheryl Praeger) Remarks on path-transitivity in finite graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 17 (1996), 371-378. 55. Asymmetric combinatorially-regular maps, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 5 (1996), 323-328. 56. (With John McKay) Markings of the Golay code, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 25 (1996), 133-139. 57. (With Margaret Morton & Cheryl Praeger) Partition graphs for symmetric groups, Journal of Graph Theory 25 (1997), 107-117. 58. Small trivalent graphs of large girth, University of Auckland Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Research Report Series, No.42, 1997. 59. (With Cameron Walker) Sierpinski's gasket, 2-groups and graph symmetries, in: Combinatorics, complexity, & logic (Auckland, 1996), Springer Ser. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., Springer (Singapore), 1997, pp.182-186. 60. (With Cameron Walker) Vertex-transitive non-Cayley graphs with arbitrarily large vertex-stabilizer, J. Algebraic Combinatorics 8 (1998), 29-38. 61. (With Cameron Walker) The infinitude of 7-arc-transitive quartic graphs, Journal of Algebra 208 (1998), 619-629. 62. (With Cai Heng Li) On isomorphism of finite Cayley graphs, European J. Combinatorics 19 (1998), 911-919. 63. Explicit definition of the reflected binary Gray codes, Discrete Mathematics 195 (1999), 245-249. 64. (With Emilio Bujalance) On cyclic groups of automorphisms of Riemann surfaces, J. London Mathematical Society 59 (1999), 573-584. 65. (With Cai Heng Li & Cheryl Praeger) On a conjecture of Richard Weiss, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Society 43 (2000), 129-138. 66. (With Charles Leedham-Green) Fast recognition of classical groups over large fields, Proceedings of Conference on Groups and Computation III (Columbus, Ohio, 1999), de Gruyter, 2000, pp. 113-121. 67. (With Peter Dobcsanyi) Determination of all regular maps of small genus, J. Combinatorial Theory, Series B 81 (2001), 224-242. 68. (With Colin Maclachlan, Gaven Martin & Eamonn O'Brien) Two-generator arithmetic Kleinian groups III, Math. Scandinavia 90 (2002), 161-179. 69. (With Emilio Bujalance, Jose Manuel Gamboa, Grzegorz Gromadzki & Milagros Izquierdo) Double coverings of Klein surfaces by a given Riemann surface, J. Pure & Applied Algebra 169 (2002), 137-151. 70. (With Peter Dobcsanyi) Trivalent symmetric graphs on up to 768 vertices, J. Combinatorial Mathematics & Combinatorial Computing 40 (2002), 41-63. 71. (With Paul Bonnington, Patricia McKenna & Margaret Morton) Embeddings of regular digraphs in orientable surfaces, J. Combinatorial Theory Series B 85 (2002), 1-20. 72. Hurwitz groups with given centre, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 34 (2002), 725-728. 73. (With Emilio Bujalance & Javier Cirre) On extendability of group actions on compact Riemann surfaces, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 355 (2003), 1537-1557. 74. (With Margaret Morton & Cheryl Praeger) Two-arc closed subsets of graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 42 (2003), 350-364. 75. (With Dragan Marusic) A tetravalent half-arc-transitive graph with nonabelian vertex stabilizer, J. Combinatorial Theory Series B 88 (2003), 67-76. 76. (With Colin Maclachlan, Sanja Todorovic Vasiljevic and Steve Wilson) Bounds for the number of automorphisms of a compact non-orientable surface, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 68 (2003), 65-82. 77. Group actions on graphs, maps and surfaces with maximum symmetry, invited paper in: Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series, vol. 304, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 63-91. 78. (With Marty Isaacs) Derived subgroups of products of an abelian and a cyclic subgroup, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 69 (2004), 333-348. 79. (With Arkadii Slinko) A counterexample to Fishburn's conjecture on finite linear qualitative probability, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 48 (2004), 425-431. 80. (With Peter Dobcsanyi) Applications and adaptations of the low index subgroups procedure, Mathematics of Computation 74 (2005), 485-497. 81. (With Colin Maclachlan) Compact hyperbolic 4-manifolds of small volume, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 133 (2005), 2469-2476. 82. (With Aleksander Malnic, Dragan Marusic, Tomaz Pisanski and Primoz Potocnik) The edge- but not vertex-transitive cubic graph on 112 vertices, Journal of Graph Theory 50 (2005), 25-42. 83. (With Charles Leedham-Green and Eamonn O'Brien) Constructive recognition of PSL(2,q), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 358 (2006), 1203-1221. 84. (With Vaughan Jones) Highly transitive imprimitivities, Journal of Algebra 300 (2006), 44-56. 85. (With Gaven Martin and Anna Torstensson) Maximal symmetry groups of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 35 (2006), 37-62. 86. (With Aleksander Malnic, Dragan Marusic and Primoz Potocnik) A census of semisymmetric cubic graphs on up to 768 vertices, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 23 (2006), 255-294. 87. (With George Havas and Colin Ramsay) Efficient presentations for the Mathieu simple group M_{22} and its cover, in: Finite Geometries, Groups and Computation (Pingree Park CO, September 2004), de Gruyter, 2006, pp. 33-41. 88. (With Steve Wilson) Inner reflectors and non-orientable regular maps, Discrete Mathematics 307 (2007), 367-372. 89. (With Robert Jajcay and Tom Tucker) Regular t-balanced Cayley maps, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 97 (2007), 453-473. 90. (With Robert Jajcay and Tom Tucker) Regular Cayley maps for finite abelian groups, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 25 (2007), 259-283. 91. (With Peter Dobcsanyi) Normal subgroups of low index in the modular group and other Hecke groups, in: "Combinatorial Group Theory, Number Theory and Discrete Groups", (ed. B. Fine, A. Gaglione & D. Spellman), Contemporary Mathematics series, American Mathematical Society, vol. 421, 2007, pp. 65-86. 92. (With Robin Christian and Arkadii Slinko) Flippable pairs and subset comparisons in comparative probability orderings, Order 24 (2007), 193-213. 93. (With Roman Nedela) Symmetric cubic graphs of small girth, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 97 (2007), 757-768. 94. (With Simon Marshall and Arkadii Slinko) Orders on multisets and discrete cones, Order 24 (2007), 277-296. 95. (With Isabel Hubard and Tomaz Pisanski) Constructions for chiral polytopes, J. London Mathematical Society 77 (2008), 115-129. 96. Genus spectra for symmetric embeddings of graphs on surfaces, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31 (2008), 27-31. 97. (With Dominic Searles and Arkadii Slinko) Comparative probability orders and the flip relation, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium On Imprecise Probability: Theories And Applications (ISIPTA'07), Prague, 2007, SIPTA, 2008, pp. 67-76. 98. Combinatorial and computational group-theoretic methods in the study of graphs, maps and polytopes with maximal symmetry, in: "Applications of Group Theory to Combinatorics" (ed. J. Koolen, J.H. Kwak & M.Y. Xu), Taylor & Francis, London, 2008, pp. 1-11. 99. (With Primoz Potocnik and Jozef Siran) Regular hypermaps over projective linear groups, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 85 (2008), 155-175. 100. Regular maps and hypermaps of Euler characteristic -1 to -200, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 99 (2009), 455-459. 101. (With Young Soo Kwon and Jozef Siran) Reflexibility of regular Cayley maps for abelian groups, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 99 (2009), 254-260. 102. On symmetries of Cayley graphs and the graphs underlying regular maps, Journal of Algebra 321 (2009), 3112-3127. 103. (With Roman Nedela) A refined classification of symmetric cubic graphs, Journal of Algebra 322 (2009), 722-740. 104. (With Robert Gentleman and Alain Vandal) Minimal covers of maximal cliques for interval graphs, Ars Combinatoria 92 (2009), 97-129. 105. (With Jozef Siran and Tom Tucker) The genera, reflexibility and simplicity of regular maps, Journal of the European Mathematical Society 12 (2010), 343-364. 106. (With Emilio Bujalance and Antonio Costa) Pseudo-real Riemann surfaces and chiral regular maps, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 7 (2010), 3365-3376. 107. An update on Hurwitz groups, Groups, Complexity and Cryptology 2 (2010), 35-49. 108. (With Primoz Potocnik and Jozef Siran) Regular maps with almost Sylow-cyclic automorphism groups, and classification of regular maps with Euler characteristic -p^2, Journal of Algebra 324 (2010), 2620-2635. 109. (With Emilio Bujalance, Javier Cirre and Blazej Szepietowski) Finite group actions on bordered surfaces of small genus, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 214 (2010), 2165-2185. 110. (With Geoffrey Exoo and Robert Jajcay) On the limitations of the use of solvable groups in Cayley graph cage constructions, European Journal of Combinatorics 31 (2010), 1819-1828. 111. (With Domenico Catalano, Shao Fei Du, Young Soo Kwon, Roman Nedela and Steve Wilson) Classification of regular embeddings of n-dimensional cubes, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 33 (2011), 215-238. 112. (With Charles Leedham-Green and Eamonn O'Brien) Short presentations for alternating and symmetric groups, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 363 (2011), 3277-3285. 113. (With Tom Tucker) Motion and distinguishing number two, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 4 (2011), 63-72. 114. (With George Havas and Mike Newman) On one-relator quotients of the modular group, Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath (proceedings), vol. 1, London Math. Society Lecture Note Series, No. 387, Cambridge University Press, pp. 183-197. 115. (With Tom Tucker) The symmetric genus spectrum of finite groups, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 4 (2011), 271-289. 116. (With Roman Nedela and Jozef Siran) Classification of regular maps of Euler Characteristic -3p, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 102 (2012), 967-981. 117. (With Yan-Quan Feng) Arc-regular cubic graphs of order four times an odd integer, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 36 (2012), 21-31. 118. (With Emilio Bujalance and Javier Cirre) Finite group actions of large order on compact bordered surfaces, in: Computational Algebraic and Analytic Geometry for Low-dimensional Varieties, Contemp. Math., 572, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2012, pp. 25-56. 119. (With F.R. Cohen, J. Lopez and Stratos Prassidis) Remarks concerning Lubotzky's filtration, Pure and Applied Math. Quarterly 8 (2012), 79-105. 120. (With Gareth Jones, Manfred Streit and Juergen Wolfart) Galois actions on regular dessins of small genera, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 29 (2013), 163-181. 121. The smallest regular polytopes of given rank, Advances in Mathematics 236 (2013), 92-110. 122. (With Emilio Bujalance and Javier Cirre) Extensions of finite cyclic group actions on non-orientable surfaces, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 365 (2013), 4209-4227. 123. (With Deborah Oliveros) The intersection condition for regular polytopes, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 120 (2013), 1291-1304. 124. (With Jicheng Ma) Arc-transitive abelian regular covers of cubic graphs, Journal of Algebra 387 (2013), 215-242. 125. (With Jicheng Ma) Arc-transitive abelian regular covers of the Heawood graph, Journal of Algebra 387 (2013), 243-267. 126. (With Timothy Reilly) Graham Higman's lectures on januarials, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) 65 (2014), 113–131. 127. (With Tom Tucker) Regular Cayley maps for cyclic groups, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 366 (2014), 3585–3609. [Note: The first sentence of the statement of Theorem 3.5 in the above paper [127] is incorrect and should be deleted, as should the first two sentences of the proof. The second sentence, which was the main point of the theorem, is correct and summarises the discussion after Corollary 3.3.] 128. (With Dan Archdeacon and Jozef Siran) Trinity symmetry and kaleidoscopic regular maps, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 366 (2014), 4491-4512. 129. (With Tomaz Pisanski and Arjana Zitnik) GI-graphs: a new class of graphs with many symmetries, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 40 (2014), 209-231. 130. (With Young Soo Kwon and Jozef Siran) On external symmetry groups of regular maps, in: "Rigidity and Symmetry" (ed. Robert Connelly, Asia Ivic Weiss and Walter Whiteley), Fields Institute Communications, vol, 70, Springer, 2014, pp. 87-96. 131. Large group actions on surfaces, in: "Riemann and Klein Surfaces, Automorphisms, Symmetries and Moduli Spaces", Contemporary Mathematics, vol, 629 (2014), pp. 77-97. 132. (With Bruno Zimmermann) Maximal bordered surface groups versus maximal handlebody groups, in: "Riemann and Klein Surfaces, Automorphisms, Symmetries and Moduli Spaces", Contemporary Mathematics, vol, 629 (2014), pp. 99-105. 133. (With Gabe Cunningham) Tight orientably-regular polytopes, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 8 (2015), 68-81. 134. (With Primoz Potocnik and Primoz Sparl) Some recent discoveries about half-arc-transitive graphs, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 8 (2015), 149-162. 135. (With Caiheng Li and Primoz Potocnik) On the orders of arc-transitive graphs, Journal of Algebra (Seress memorial issue) 421 (2015), 167-186. 136. (With Jicheng Ma) Regular maps with simple underlying graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 110 (2015), 1-18. 137. (With Emilio Bujalance and Javier Cirre) Extensions of finite cyclic group actions on bordered surfaces, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 31 (2015), 349-372. 138. (With Ricardo Grande) On embeddings of circulant graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 22 (2015), #P2.28. 139. (With Isabel Hubard, Eugenia O'Reilly Regueiro and Daniel Pellicer) Construction of chiral 4-polytopes with an alternating or symmetric group as automorphism group, J. Algebraic Combinatorics 42 (2015), 225-244. 140. (With Emilio Bujalance and Javier Cirre) Riemann surfaces with maximal real symmetry, Journal of Algebra 443 (2015), 494-516. 141. (With Arjana Zitnik) Half-arc-transitive graphs of arbitrary even valency greater than 2, European Journal of Combinatorics 54 (2016), 177-186. 142. (With Robert Jajcay and Tom Tucker) Cyclic complements and skew morphisms of groups, Journal of Algebra 453 (2016), 68-100. 143. (With Veronika Hucikova, Roman Nedela and Jozef Siran) Chiral maps of given hyperbolic type, Bulletin of the London Math. Society 48 (2016), 38-52. 144. Some unexpected consequences of symmetry computations, in: "Symmetries in Graphs, Maps and Polytopes" (proceedings of the 5th SIGMAP workshop, 2014), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 159, 2016, pp. 71-79. 145. (With Martin Bridson and Alan Reid) Determining Fuchsian groups by their finite quotients, Israel Journal of Mathematics 214 (2016), 1-41. 146. (With Shaofei Du, Roman Nedela and Martin Skoviera) Regular maps with nilpotent automorphism group, J. Algebraic Combinatorics 44 (2016), 863-874. [Free viewable copy available at (thanks to Springer)] 147. (With Jozef Siran) Orientably-regular maps with given exponent group, Bulletin of the London Math. Society 48 (2016), 1013-1017. 148. (With Emilio Bujalance and Javier Cirre) On automorphism groups of Riemann double covers of Klein surfaces, Journal of Algebra 472 (2017), 146-171. 149. (With Tomaz Pisanski and Arjana Zitnik) Vertex-transitive graphs and their arc-types, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 12 (2017), 383-413. 150. (With Wei-Juan Zhang) Abelian covers of chiral polytopes, Journal of Algebra 478 (2017), 437-457. 151. Answer to a 1962 question by Zappa on cosets of Sylow subgroups, Advances in Mathematics 313 (2017), 167-175. 152. (With Wei-Juan Zhang) The smallest chiral 6-polytopes, Bulletin of the London Math. Society 49 (2017), 549-560. 153. (With Adnan Melekoglu) Link indices of Hurwitz maps, Journal of Algebra 490 (2017), 568-580. 154. On a family of groups defined by Said Sidki, Bulletin of the London Math. Society 50 (2018), 26-34. 155. (With Nemanja Poznanovic) The arc-types of Cayley graphs, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 15 (2018), 97-112. 156. (With Antoine Deza and Asia Ivic Weiss) Discrete Geometry and Symmetry, edited book, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 234, Springer, 2018, xxiii+333 pages. 157. (With Istvan Estelyi and Tomaz Pisanski) Vertex-transitive Haar graphs that are not Cayley graphs, in: Discrete Geometry and Symmetry, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol. 234, 2018, pp. 61-70. 158. (With Emilio Bujalance, Antonio Costa and Milagros Izquierdo) On regular dessins d'enfants with 4g automorphisms and a curve of Wiman, in: Algebraic Curves and their Applications, Contemp. Math., vol. 724, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2019, pp. 225-233. 159. Simple group actions on arc-transitive graphs with prescribed transitive local action, in: 2017 MATRIX Annals, vol. 2, Springer, 2019, pp. 327-335. 160. (With Klara Stokes) New methods for finding minimum genus embeddings of graphs on orientable and non-orientable surfaces, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 17 (2019), 1-35. 161. (With Jia-Li Du and Yan-Quan Feng) Cubic core-free symmetric m-Cayley graphs, J. Algebraic Combinatorics 50 (2019), 143-163. 162. (With Gabriel Verret) Edge-transitive graphs of small order and the answer to a 1967 question by Folkman, Algebraic Combinatorics 2 (2019), 1275-1284. 163. (With George Havas, M.F. Newman and Colin Ramsay) On presentations for unitary groups, Journal of Algebra 545 (2020), 100-110. 164. (With Jozef Siran) Classification of regular maps of negative prime characteristic revisited: Avoiding the Gorenstein-Walter theorem, Journal of Algebra 548 (2020), 120-133. 165. (With Emilio Bujalance and Javier Cirre) Bounds on the order of the largest automorphism group of a pseudo-real surface of given genus, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 101 (2020), 877-906. 166. (With Yan-Quan Feng, Mi-Mi Zhang and Jin-xin Zhou) Edge-transitive bi-Cayley graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 145 (2020), 264-306. 167. (With Stephen Lo) The pseudo-real genus of a group, Journal of Algebra 561 (2020), 149-162. 168. (With Isabel Holm and Thomas W. Tucker) Observations and answers to questions about edge-transitive maps, The Art of Applied and Discrete Mathematics 3 (2020), #P1.09. 169. The smallest symmetric cubic graphs with given action type, Journal of Algebra 569 (2021), 643-657. 170. (With Yan-Quan Feng and Dong-Dong Hou) Two infinite families of chiral polytopes of type {4,4,4} with solvable automorphism groups, Journal of Algebra 569 (2021), 713-722. 171. (With Ademir Hujdurovic, Klavdija Kutnar and Dragan Marusic) Symmetric cubic graphs via rigid cells, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 53 (2021), 881-895. 172. (With Gábor Gévay and Asia Ivić Weiss) Polytopes, configurations and symmetries - Bled 2019, Art Discrete Appl. Math. 4 (2021), 5 pp., 01A70. 173. (With Alexander Lubotzky, Jeroen Schillewaert and Francois Thilmany) Constructing highly regular expanders from hyperbolic Coxeter groups, Transactions of the American Math. Society 375 (2022), 325-350. 174. Two new proofs of the fact that triangle groups are distinguished by their finite quotients, New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 52 (2022), a special issue in memory of Vaughan Jones, 827-844. 175. Arc-transitive trivalent Cayley graphs, Journal of Algebra 610 (2022), 896-910. 176. (With Ruth Kellerhals) Small volume hyperbolic manifolds constructed from Coxeter groups, Bulletin of the London Math. Society 54 (2022), 1705-1720. 177. Graham Higman 1917-2008, a 16-page account of the life and work of Graham Higman FRS, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society (of London) 73 (2022), 277-290. 178. (With Martin Bachraty and Gabriel Verret) Skew product groups for monolithic groups, Algebraic Combinatorics 5 (2022), 785-802. 179. (With Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace, Marek Kaluba and Stefan Witzel) Hyperbolic generalized triangle groups, property (T) and finite simple quotients, Journal of the London Math. Society 106 (2022), 3577-3637. 180. (With Jinxin Zhou) Locally bi-2-arc-transitive graphs and cycle-regular graphs, and the solution to a 2001 problem posed by Fouquet and Hahn, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 158 (2023), 206-225. 181. (With Tom Tucker) The GFR problem and a theorem of Godsil, Art Discrete Appl. Math. 4 (2023), 10 pp., #P2.10. 182. (With Kirstie Asciak, Sona Pavlikova and Jozef Siran) Orientable and non-orientable regular maps with given exponent group, Journal of Algebra 620 (2023), 519-533. 183. (With Antonio Breda D'Azevedo and Domenico Catalano) Pseudo-Hurwitz maps on alternating and symmetric groups, Journal of Algebra 628 (2023), 392-414. 184. (With Luke Morgan and Primoz Potocnik) Resolution of a conjecture about linking ring structures, Journal of Algebra 632 (2023), 87-101. 185. Regular maps with an alternating or symmetric group as automorphism group, Journal of Algebra 635 (2023), 736-774. 186. (With Georgina Liversidge) Small volume 3-manifolds constructible from string Coxeter groups of rank 4, Journal of Algebra 635 (2023), 775-789. 187. (With Isabel Hubard and Eugenia O'Reilly) Construction of chiral polytopes of large rank with alternating or symmetric automorphism group, Advances in Mathematics 452 (2024), 109819 (22 pages). 188. (With Martin Bachraty, Jana Siagiova and Jozef Siran) A computer-free classification of orientably-regular maps on surfaces of genus p+1 for prime p, Art Discrete Appl. Math. 7 (2024), #P2.01. 189. (With Georgina Liversidge and Maxim Vsemirnov) Generating pairs for SL(n,Z), Journal of Algebra 662 (2025), 123-137. 190. (With Darius Young) Soluble quotients of triangle groups, Journal of Algebra 664 (2025), 888-903. 191. (With Isabelle Steinmann) Answers to questions about medial graphs of self-dual regular and chiral polytopes, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 25 (2025) #P1.01, 18 pages. 192. (With Gabriela Araujo-Pardo, Natalia Garcia-Colin, Gyorgy Kiss and Dimitri Leemans) A note on girth-diameter cages, accepted for publication in The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics (ADAM). 193. (With Primoz Potocnik) Normal covers of 2-arc-transitive graphs of prime-power order, accepted for publication in Algebraic Combinatorics. 194. (With Bek Baktybekov, Yakov Nuzhin and Anna Rezantseva) On regular polytopes of rank 3, accepted for publication in the Journal of the Siberian Federal University. Mathematics and Physics. 195. (With Gabriel Verret and Darius Young) Density of quotient orders in groups and applications to locally-transitive graphs, submitted for publication. 196. (With Emilio Bujalance, Javier Cirre and Antonio Costa) Fenchel’s conjecture for non-Euclidean crystallographic groups, submitted for publication. 197. (With Primoz Potocnik) Edge-transitive cubic graphs: analyis, cataloguing and enumeration, submitted for publication. 198. (With Kirstie Asciak, Olivia Reade and Jozef Siran) Regular maps of given hyperbolic type with no non-trivial exponents, in preparation. 199. (With Nick Gill and Jozef Siran) Non-orientable regular maps with Euler characteristic a negative prime power, in preparation. 200. (with Gareth Jones, Jozef Siran and Tom Tucker) Regular Maps (a 400-page book), in preparation. 201. Finding subgroups of interest in hyperbolic groups, in preparation. 202. (with Gareth Jones) Inner reflectors of maps and hypermaps, in preparation. 203. (With Jeroen Schillewaert and Gabriel Verret) Parameters for certain locally-regular graphs, in preparation. 204. An infinite family of locally 9-arc-transitive graphs, in preparation. 205. (With Dimitri Leemans and Daniel Pellicer) The smallest regular hypertopes, in preparation. 206. Generating pairs for finite simple groups, draft (in preparation). 207. (With Klara Stokes) Antipodal configurations, draft (in preparation). 208. Some observations about connectedness of generating sets for finite groups, draft (in preparation). Reviews: Over 240 invited reviews of mathematical papers written and published in Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt für Mathematik. Last updated 3 March 2025