Errors, Corrections and Chocolate Fish
Although I take no pride in my ability to make mistakes
it would be untrue to say I never make them. In fact this book is
probably full of them.
I welcome information that will help me get some
of the mistakes corrected. The best way to let me know is by e-mail
and, if I understand what you have told me and I agree with it, I will
add it to the list of corrections which can be viewed in either pdf
or ps.
Chocolate Fish are a characteristic type of confectionary
in New Zealand. They are typically about 12cm long and are made of
marshmallow and coated in chocolate. They are of course shaped like
I will try to reward the first person who finds each
mistake with a chocolate fish, with a limit of one per person. You
have to come to Auckland to collect this reward but there may be other
benefits in doing this, such as lunch with members of the Runge-Kutta club.