From MathsDept
a toasts and tears send-off for Bill Barton
On the 1st of April Bill is stepping down as HOD; this is, in my opinion, a very bad April Fool's joke. However, it's an excuse for a party. Not that we need an excuse, but we have one anyway. So, we are going to have one. A party, that is, as well as an excuse:
On the 1st of April Bill is stepping down as HOD; this is, in my opinion, a very bad April Fool's joke. However, it's an excuse for a party. Not that we need an excuse, but we have one anyway. So, we are going to have one. A party, that is, as well as an excuse:
Friday, 3 April 2009, 4 - 6:30 pm
Do please come along and drink a toast to our Departing Great Leader, and to thank him for being such a well-dressed HOD for the past few years, and for looking so distinguished, just like HODs are supposed to look.
You can also email Bill, either to cry, thank him, and/or wish him well in his new role as President-elect of the International Commission for Mathematical Instruction.
Invited speaker(s)
Volunteers to give speeches about Bill are most welcome : the less true the better.
Special Guests, Members of the Department of Mathematics.
Not required
James Sneyd