Academic Staff
Academic staff members are listed with position, year of first appointment, degrees, area of mathematical interest, telephone extension, room number and e-mail address. The University phone numbers are +64-9-373-7999 (operator), or +64-9-373-7599 (automated attendant).
- Academic Staff (includes part-time and temporary staff)
- Research Fellows
- Emeritus Staff
- Current Visitors
Academic Staff |
- Ah Sam , Josephina
- Professional Teaching Fellow (2017)
- Room 303e.152, e-mail j.ahsam
- An , Jianbei
- Associate Professor (1992)
- PhD (Illinois at Chicago)
- Modular representation theory of finite groups
- Extn 88773, Room 303.507, e-mail
- PhD (Illinois at Chicago)
- Bartlett , Padriac
- Professional Teaching Fellow
- Extn 82448, Room 303.413, e-mail p.bartlett
- Barton , Bill D
- Professor (1993)
- MPhil Massey, MSc, PhD, DipTchg Auckland
- University mathematics education, language and mathematics, ethnomathematics, teacher development.
- Extn 88779, Room 303.505, e-mail b.barton
- MPhil Massey, MSc, PhD, DipTchg Auckland
- Conder , Matthew
- Research Fellow
- Conder , Marston D E
- Professor (1983)
- MSocSc (Waikato), DPhil (Oxford), DSc (Oxford), FAMS, FNZMS, FRSNZ, FTICA
- Combinatorial group theory, discrete computation, symmetries of discrete objects (such as graphs, maps, polytopes, Riemann surfaces and hyperbolic 3-manifolds)
- Extn 88879, Room 303.417, e-mail m.conder
- MSocSc (Waikato), DPhil (Oxford), DSc (Oxford), FAMS, FNZMS, FRSNZ, FTICA
- Donovan , Graham M
- Senior Lecturer (2010)
- PhD (Northwestern)
- Mathematical biology, rare event simulation
- Extn 88780, Room 303.527, e-mail g.donovan
- PhD (Northwestern)
- Evans , Tanya
- Professional Teaching Fellow (2012)
- Ph.D. in Mathematics (Rice University - Houston, Texas)
- Extn 88783, Room 303.414, e-mail t.evans
- Ph.D. in Mathematics (Rice University - Houston, Texas)
- Galbraith , Steven
- Professor (2008)
- BCMS (Waikato), M.Sc. (Georgia Tech), D.Phil (Oxford)
- Public key cryptography, computational number theory, computational algebraic geometry
- Extn 88778, Room 303.501, e-mail s.galbraith
- BCMS (Waikato), M.Sc. (Georgia Tech), D.Phil (Oxford)
- Gauld , David B
- Professor (1969)
- PhD (California - Los Angeles)
- Set-Theoretic topology, especially applications to topological manifolds. Volterra spaces.
- Extn 88697, Room 303.419, e-mail d.gauld
- PhD (California - Los Angeles)
- Gover , A. Rod
- Professor (1999)
- DPhil (Oxford), FRSNZ
- Differential geometry and its relationship to representation theory. Applications to analysis on manifolds, PDE theory and Mathematical Physics. Conformal, CR and related structures.
- Extn 88792, Room 303.427, e-mail r.gover
- DPhil (Oxford), FRSNZ
- Graff , Marie
- Lecturer (2018)
- PhD in Mathematics
- Extn 84911, Room 303-229B, e-mail marie.graff
- PhD in Mathematics
- Greenwood , Sina
- Senior Lecturer (2004)
- PhD
- My primary area of research is topology. Most of my current research is on discrete dynamical systems.
- Extn 88776, Room 303.421, e-mail s.greenwood
- PhD
- Hanselka , Christoph
- Research Fellow
- Room 303.329, e-mail c.hanselka
- Hekmati , Pedram
- Senior Lecturer (2016)
- Differential Geometry, Representation Theory, Mathematical Physics
- Room 303.329, e-mail p.hekmati
- Jamieson-lane , Alastair
- Professional Teaching Fellow
- Jones , Vaughan F. R.
- Distinguished Professor (1992)
- Docteur es Sciences (Geneva)
- As part of my role as a Professor of Mathematics at Vanderbilt University I conduct research on Neumann algebras and knot theory.
- e-mail vaughan.f.jones
- Docteur es Sciences (Geneva)
- Kaipio , Jari
- Professor (2008)
- Inverse problems, Time series analysis, General modeling and solving real (non-simplified) physical problems
- Extn 88818, Room 303S.265, e-mail j.kaipio
- Kane , Phil
- Professional Teaching Fellow (2013)
- B Sc (Auck), Dip Tchg, M Ad Lit Num Ed (AUT), M Phil (hon) (AUT)
- Foundation Mathematics Learners, Workplace Numeracy
- Extn 85750, Room 303.149, e-mail p.kane
- B Sc (Auck), Dip Tchg, M Ad Lit Num Ed (AUT), M Phil (hon) (AUT)
- Kim , Dahye
- e-mail
- Kirk , Vivien
- Associate Professor
- Dynamical systems, particularly nonlinear ODEs; theory of local and global bifurcations; symmetry and bifurcations; models of intracellular calcium dynamics.
- Extn 88812, Room 303.525, e-mail v.kirk
- Kontorovich , Igor'
- Lecturer
- Extn 85746, Room 303.503, e-mail i.kontorovich
- Krauskopf , Bernd
- Professor (2011)
- Dynamical systems, bifurcations of vector fields and maps, computational methods for dynamical systems, systems with delays, nonlinear dynamics of lasers, aircraft ground dynamics
- Extn 85704, Room 303.524, e-mail b.krauskopf
- Lee , Melissa
- Research Fellow
- Leemans , Dimitri
- Associate Professor (2011)
- PhD, MSc, BSc (all at Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
- Computational incidence geometry, abstract polytopes, finite group theory, graph theory, combinatorics, coding theory.
- Extn 81430, Room 303.517, e-mail d.leemans
- PhD, MSc, BSc (all at Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
- LeGrow , Jason
- Research Fellow
- Lehner , Florian
- (2022)
- Maciejewski , Wesley
- Lecturer
- Mathematics education at the tertiary level.
- Room 502,
- Marmur , Ofer
- Lecturer
- Ma`u , Sione N
- Lecturer (2012)
- Pluripotential theory and its applications
- Extn 85865, Room 303E.247, e-mail s.mau
- Moors , Warren B
- Associate Professor (2003)
- PhD (Newcastle)
- Functional Analysis
- Extn 84746, Room 303.425, e-mail w.moors
- PhD (Newcastle)
- Nathan , Garry
- Professional Teaching Fellow (2002)
- Conceptual understanding in mathematics; Mathematical reasoning and argumentation
- Extn 84931, Room 303.511, e-mail g.nathan
- Novak , Julia C
- Professional Teaching Fellow (2007)
- PhD (Royal Holloway, University of London)
- Extn 84747, Room 303.235, e-mail j.novak
- PhD (Royal Holloway, University of London)
- O'Brien , Eamonn A
- Professor (1997)
- Group theory, computational algebra.
- Extn 88819, Room 303.401, e-mail e.obrien
- Osinga , Hinke M
- Professor (2011)
- Dynamical systems, systems with multiple time scales, algorithms for the computation of invariant manifolds, transient phenomena and bifurcations organised by global manifolds, applications in biology and engineering
- Extn 85056, Room 303.533, e-mail h.m.osinga
- Passmore , Rachel
- Professional Teaching Fellow (2013)
- Extn 85750, Room 303.528, e-mail r.passmore
- Po'e-Tofaeono , Masina
- Room 303.418, e-mail m.poetofaeono
- Popiel , Tomasz
- Lecturer
- Postlethwaite , Claire
- Senior Lecturer (2008)
- PhD
- Applied dynamical systems, mathematical models of animal behaviour
- Extn 88817, Room 303.510, e-mail c.postlethwaite
- PhD
- Puloka , Malia
- Professional Teaching Fellow
- Rattenbury , Nicolette
- Sharp , Philip W
- Senior Lecturer (1993)
- PhD (Canterbury)
- Astronomical simulations, developing and testing numerical methods for initial value ordinary differential equations .
- Extn 88884, Room 303.522, e-mail
- PhD (Canterbury)
- Slinko , Arkadii M
- Professor (1993)
- PhD, DSc (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)
- Applied algebra and combinatorics with applications to game theory, mathematical politics and social choice
- Extn 85749, Room 303.509, e-mail a.slinko
- PhD, DSc (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)
- Smith , Lauren D
- Lecturer (2021)
- Room 303S-263, e-mail lauren.smith
- Sneyd , James
- Professor
- PhD
- Mathematical physiology, nonlinear dynamical systems.
- Extn 87474, Room 303.519, e-mail j.sneyd
- PhD
- Stephen , Sudeep
- Lecturer (2019)
- Room 303.211, e-mail Sudeep.stephen
- Stephenson , Jonny
- Professional Teaching Fellow
- Subramanian , Priya
- Senior Lecturer (2022)
- Taylor , Steve W
- Senior Lecturer (1994)
- PhD (University of Minnesota)
- Partial differential equations, control theory for PDEs, quantum chemistry, industrial mathematics
- Extn 86622, Room 303.523, e-mail s.taylor
- PhD (University of Minnesota)
- ter Elst , Tom
- Professor (2006)
- PhD (Eindhoven)
- Harmonic analysis, operator theory, geometric analysis, subelliptic and degenerate operators, PDE.
- Extn 86901, Room 303.229D, e-mail t.terelst
- PhD (Eindhoven)
- Terrien , Soizic
- Post-Doctoral Fellow (2015)
- Tiwari , Parul
- Professional Teaching Fellow (2022)
- Verret , Gabriel
- Senior Lecturer (2016)
- Extn 86901, Room 303.411, e-mail g.verret
- Waldron , Shayne F D
- Senior Lecturer (1997)
- PhD (Wisconsin-Madison)
- Approximation Theory, polynomial interpolation, numerical methods.
- Extn 85877, Room 303.415, e-mail s.waldron
- PhD (Wisconsin-Madison)
- Wang , Shixiao
- Lecturer (2003)
- PhD (University of Paris VI)
- Functional Analysis, Nonlinear PDEs, Hydrodynamic Stability and Vortex Dynamics.
- Extn 87316, Room 303.529, e-mail
- PhD (University of Paris VI)
- Yoon , Caroline
- Senior Lecturer (2011)
- BSc (Hons); MSc (Hons); PhD
- Mathematics Education; Mathematical conceptual growth
- Extn 88740, Room 303.503, e-mail c.yoon
- BSc (Hons); MSc (Hons); PhD
- Zobernig , Lukas
- Research Fellow
- e-mail lukas.zobernig
Research Fellows |
- Giraldo , Andrus
- Research Fellow (2014)
- PhD
- Dynamical System - Global bifurcations
- Extn 86577, Room 303.227, e-mail agir284
- PhD
- Hittmeyer , Stefanie
- Post-Doctoral Fellow (2011)
- Dynamical systems, invariant manifolds, bifurcation theory, non-invertible maps, chaotic attractors
- Extn 82025, Room 303.516, e-mail stefanie.hittmeyer
- Keane , Andrew
- (2013)
- Dynamical systems - Delay effects in climate models
- Extn 86577, Room 303.227, e-mail a.keane
- LeGrow , Jason
- Research Fellow
- Mason , Gemma
- Research Fellow
- Room 303.329, e-mail g.mason
- Purewal , Anup
- Post-Doctoral Fellow (2011)
- DDEs, Pyragas Control
- Extn 84335, Room 303.333, e-mail a.purewal
- Rossmann , Tobias
- Research Fellow
- Room 303.513, e-mail t.rossmann
Emeritus Staff |
Current Visitors |