University of Auckland: Mathematics Department

Research management and administration

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) has overall responsibility for the management of research within the University, except for the commercial operations of Auckland UniServices Ltd.

The DVC (Research) reports directly to the Vice-Chancellor and is chair of Research Committee, the committee of Senate responsible for setting policy and advising Senate on research-related matters.

Research Committee

The University's Research Committee is responsible for developing research policy (embodied in the Research Policy Manual), establishment and monitoring of Research Units, Centres, and Institutes, and allocation of University-sponsored Research Funds.

It also oversees externally-funded research contracts in the public domain (such as those from the Foundation for Research Science & Technology, the Health Research Council, and the Royal Society of New Zealand).

Research Office

The University's Research Office provides both pre-award and post-award services for all University-sponsored research and public-domain, externally-sponsored research. This includes proposal submission, proposal review (for University-sponsored research), budget assistance, contract review and acceptance, and establishment of research accounts.

The Research Office also maintains records, supports the University's Research and Ethics Committees, and acts as liaison with all major research granting bodies.


The University's subsidiary Auckland UniServices Ltd. is responsible for managing commercially-sponsored research, consulting and technology transfer. UniServices Ltd seeks to meet the needs of the community for professional and technology services by matching those needs with the resources available from within the University of Auckland.

It is also responsible for the commercial intellectual property of the University, by patenting inventions and working to license these or form new business around them.

Institutional approval committees

All research involving human subjects (including medical and/or health related research), animals or genetically modified organisms must be approved by an appropriate institutional approval committee before the research commences.

Faculty Associate Dean (Research)

Each Faculty is represented on Research Committee. The representative of the Faculty of Science is its Associate Dean (Research), who is currently Prof. Michael Kalloniatis, Optometry & Vision Science (Extn 82977)

Department Research Coordinator

In addition, most departments have their own Research Coordinator or Research Committee. The Mathematics Department has a Research Coordinator who is currently Prof. Marston Conder (Extn 88879).

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Last updated: 10 March 2004