NZ J. Mathematics Vol. 26, Number 2, (1997)

Here is the table of contents of Volume 26 of the New Zealand Journal of Mathematics:
Paul Erdos
Problems in number theory
pp. 155-159
Shaun Cooper
The Macdonald identities for G2 and some extensions
pp. 161-181
G. Emmanuele and K. John
Some remarks on the position of the space K(X, Y) inside the space W(X, Y)
pp. 183-189
John MacCormick
Rearranging the Davenport formula
pp. 191-199
Shamil Makhmutov
Integral characterizations of Bloch functions
pp. 201-211
T.H. Marshall
Geometry of Pseudospheres I
pp. 213-227
Muhammad Aslam Noor
Some recent advances in variational inequalities Part II: Other concepts
pp. 229-255
Vladimir Pestov
Epimorphisms of Hausdorff groups by way of topological dynamics
pp. 257-261
Fred Richman
Flat dimension, constructivity, and the Hilbert syzygy theorem
pp. 263-273
Julio D. Rossi
On existence and nonexistence in the large for an N-dimensional system of\newline heat equations with nontrivial coupling at the boundary
pp. 275-285
Josef Slapal
On some categories of sequential spaces
pp. 287-291
Blair K. Spearman, Laura Y. Spearman and Kenneth S. Williams
Quadratic subfields of the splitting field of a dihedral quintic trinomial x^5 + ax + b
pp. 293-299
P.J. Witbooi
Groups for which every subquotient is (co--)hopfian
pp. 301-308

Last changed 12 September 1998