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TIME 2000-An International Conference on Technology In Mathematics Education
Due to a number of requests the deadline
for submission of papers has been extended to April 30th. We hope this will
assist potential authors.
TIME 2000 - An International Conference on Technology In Mathematics Education will focus upon the uses of technology in, but not limited to, the following areas of mathematics and statistics:
This conference will serve as a forum to discuss, present, explore and exchange information in mathematics and statistics education using:
Sessions will cover a broad range of topics, both theoretical and practical, relevant to educators at all levels. It is anticipated that one day will be particularly relevant to schools.
The conference will take place December 11th - 14th 2000 in the Mathematics and Physics Building, The University of Auckland, 38 Princes St, Auckland 1, and the Science and Technology Building, Auckland University of Technology (from 2000), St Paul St.
Opening Session
There will be a Powhiri (Maori Welcome) and Reception on Monday 11th December.
The conference dinner will be on Wednesday 13th December.
Keynote and other invited contributors include:
Professor Jim Kaput
[University of Massachusetts, USA]
Professor Richard Lesh
[Purdue University, USA]
Pam Bishop
[University of Birmingham, UK]
Professor David Tall
[University of Warwick, UK]
Professor David Ryan
[The University of Auckland, NZ]
Dr Barry Kissane
[Murdoch University, Australia]
Professor Beth Chance
[California Polytechnic State University, USA]
Types of Presentation
Presenters are encouraged to consider one of the following formats for their presentation:
Paper presentations
Reports of research-based studies
Reports of current practice
Philosophical explorations
Presenters will have approximately 40 minutes for presentation and interactive discussion
Workshop sessions/roundtable discussions
Participatory workshops
Hands-on activities
Group discussion of issues, dilemmas, innovations in practice
Facilitators will have either 40 or 90 minutes.
A static display suitable for pinning on a board
Displays of innovative ideas/research findings
Poster presenters will have 15 minutes to talk about their work.
Criteria for Selection
There will be two categories of papers, refereed and non-refereed.
All other proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Committee who will
use the following criteria to select work for inclusion in the conference
Relevance to the conference themes; Clarity of communication; Significance
of the issue; Currency and innovations of ideas
Presenters will be notified of the acceptance, or otherwise of their presentation,
by 30 June 2000.
Conference Publications
The proceedings of the 2000 conference will contain two sections:
(i) a refereed section
(ii) other papers submitted but not refereed
All accepted proposals and descriptions of workshops etc. will be published
on the conference web page and in the conference pack given to all participants
on registration.
Presentation of Papers and Proposals
This information is provided to guide authors in the preparation of their papers.
Download a model paper with styles here
Papers should preferably be prepared using Microsoft Word on either a
Macintosh or a Windows system (use RTF if these are unavailable). They should
be submitted on a 3.5 inch floppy disk and in hard copy, as detailed below.
Papers should be written in English and comprise a maximum of 8 pages, including
references, figures, and appendices.
Use a Times (New) Roman font throughout.
Type and centre the title 14 pt, bold, in capitals, author(s) name(s) 12
point, bold, and affiliation(s) of the author(s) 12 point, italic, in this
Underline the name(s) of the presenting author(s).
Begin the paper with an abstract of up to 100 words, 10 point, single spaced,
in italics. Indent 1.5 cm left and right. Do not use a heading of
Text: Use A4 page settings with 3.0cm left, right, top and bottom margins,
12 point, single-spaced, with left and right justification. Use italics
rather than underlining for emphasis.
Do not use footnotes. If necessary group any notes at the end of the text
before the references.
Do not use headers and footers.
Do not separate paragraphs with a blank line. Indent the start of each paragraph
by 1cm. Use a 6 pt space before paragraphs.
Diagrams should be placed in the text where they are to appear. Preferably
diagrams should be produced by software. Otherwise use black artline ink.
Diagrams should be headed as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc with captions.
They must be referred to in the text. Use APA layout.
Use table commands or tabs to produce tables. Do not use the space bar to
align figures and text. Tables should have a caption, be numbered successively
and be referred to in the text. Use APA layout.
All headings should be in lower case. Do not use underlining. Three levels
of headings should be used if necessary. Major headings should be centred,
lower case and 14 pt bold. Second level should be 12 pt left aligned and
bold. Third level headings should be 12pt left aligned in italics. Use 6pt
spacing before and after all headings.
Indent quotations longer than three lines 1.5 cm left and right, using a
10 pt font. For shorter quotations identify by double quotes in text, 12
pt font.
Use APA referencing style in text and for reference lists (with italics
not underlining).
Use an ink-jet or laser printer. Avoid dot matrix print, since it is not
satisfactory for photocopying.
An example of this layout and formatting can be found on the conference
web site.
Do not number the pages (pencil page numbers lightly on the back
of each page) or staple the copies of the paper.
Send five copies of the paper to the address at the end of this announcement. Three of these copies should have the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) removed for purpose of blind review. Be sure that the other copies with the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) are camera-ready (please identify them as such). Fax copies will not be accepted.
Electronic versions of the paper should also be sent on a disk, with
each file clearly labelled. Use author names and a short abbreviation for
the content of the paper for the file name. For example Jones/Brown/CompLearning.
(Windows users will have less flexibility).
Enclose a fully completed proposal form and registration deposit.
Proposals should be submitted for workshops/discussion/working groups/posters.
Workshop presenters should indicate whether they prefer a 40 or 90 minute
time slot.
The headings below apply to all presentation types.
The Proposal (a maximum of ONE page) should explicitly deal with appropriate points from the following summary headings, preferably in this order:
Presenter details
Presentation type (i.e. workshop/ discussion/working group/poster)
Length of time slot
Theoretical framework/background for ideas
Methods/techniques/activities/ questions
Technology and support required
Discussion/results/conclusions/ points of view
Significance of topic
Use the same format and submission details as described above for papers,
as appropriate.
Submission of Papers and Proposals
New authors and others who would like feedback on their papers and an opportunity to re-submit them should send in their papers by the Earlybird submission deadline of 30 January.
All papers, abstracts and proposals may be submitted via email, but should also be sent on a virus-free disk by 31 March 2000 (see below), along with five hard copies - (see the Call for Papers form). All submissions should be in Microsoft Word format, or if this is not possible, please submit the document as a Rich Text Format (RTF) file.
All disk submissions should have a filename of author names and a short abbreviation for the content of the paper for the file name. For example Jones/Brown/CompLearning. (Windows users will have less flexibility). If you are submitting more than one paper or abstract please add a number to each surname.
Emailed papers, abstracts and proposals should be submitted as attachments, not part of the message body. Please indicate whether or not you want your paper to be considered for the refereed Conference Proceedings.
Due to a number of requests the deadline
for submission of papers has been extended to April 30th. We hope this will
assist potential authors.
Address for papers and proposals
These may be submitted by email and sent to:
Address for disks and hard copy:
Dr Mike Thomas
Mathematics Education Unit
Department of Mathematics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 9201
A maximum of two papers and one workshop per person will be accepted.
Important Dates
Deadline for Earlybird Submissions:
30 January 2000
Deadline for receipt of all papers/ proposals and presenters' deposits:
31 March 2000
Confirmation of acceptance of all papers and proposals:
30 June 2000
Early registration closes:
14 August 2000
Full payment for all presenters required:
5 October 2000
11-14 December 2000
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Time will be allocated at the Conference for Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to form, meet and socialise.
(all $NZ and including Goods & Services Tax)
The payment of fees in advance by all participants is essential. Please
also note that presentation submissions must be accompanied by a non-refundable
$NZ100 deposit (see Call for Submissions/ Registration of Interest Form)
At this stage the Full Registration Fee is expected to be in the region
of $NZ450. The fee will include teas, lunches, social events, Conference
Dinner and Proceedings. Day and Student Rates will also be available. Students
are defined as full-time students enrolled at a tertiary institution - proof
of status will be required. Confirmation of fees will be advised in the
Final Registration brochure to be distributed from June 2000.
Payment may be made by credit card
(Visa or Mastercard only). Do not supply card detail over web. Fax card
type, account number, expiry date, signature, name to TIME2000 at:
Participants will be able to book accommodation at time of payment of
Registration Fees, at O'Rorke Hall, a quality Student Hall of Residence
close to the University/conference venue. Rooms are single, with shared
facilities. Cost will be approximately $NZ59/night Bed and Breakfast.
A range of alternative accommodation options will also be advised ranging
from Budget Hotel/Motels through to 1st class Hotels (Rates from $NZ50-$NZ250
per night).
Social Programme
The Conference will open with a Powhiri (Maori Welcome) and Reception and a Conference Dinner will also be held. Participants' partners/guests are welcome at these events (Fee will apply.)
Tours/Partners Programme
Information on pre and post tour opportunities and local tour options for partners during the Conference itself will be made available. See Conference Website at:
for more information.
You are invited to participate in this international conference. To register
interest or to receive further announcements, please send completed forms
to, or contact Barry Williams:
Barry Williams
Centre for Continuing Education
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
Fax: 64-9-373 7419
Ph: 64-9-373 7599 ext 8903
Email: b.williams@auckland.ac.nz
Supporting Institutions
The University of Auckland
Auckland University of Technology (from 2000)
Conference Website
Announcements and updates will be available at:
Conference sponsored by Back to top
This page is facilitated by the Mathematics Education Unit of Auckland University situated in the Mathematics Department
Last updated: 19 March 2000
Send suggestions and queries to m.thomas@math.auckland.ac.nz