N.Z. flag The New Zealand Approximation Theory Group presents ...

Approximation and Harmonic Analysis

8-11 February 2005


The University of Auckland

Auckland, New Zealand

This is the third meeting organised by the New Zealand Approximation Theory Group (following those in Christchurch 1999 and Westport 2002). The topic Approximation and Harmonic Analysis will be interpreted broadly. We plan to allocate lots of time without lectures for informal interactions, including a conference trip to a Gulf Island (probably Waiheke). Currently confirmed speakers include:

John Benedetto (Maryland), Carl de Boor (Wisconsin), Len Bos (Calgary),
Pete Casazza (Missouri), Xuan Duong (Sydney), Seng Luan Lee (Singapore),
David Levin (Tel Aviv), Detlef Mache (Bochum), Vilmos Totik (South Florida and Szeged)

[ Submit an Abstract | Participants and their talks ]


We expect most participants to stay at either O'Rorke Hall ($NZ 59 night incl breakfast) or Quest on Mount apartments ($NZ 118 studio, $135 one room, $180 two rooms) which are located by the University (in the downtown area).

About the location

Auckland, with roughly 1 million inhabitants, is the largest city in New Zealand. It is built on an isthmus of 48 volcanoes (none currently active) with a warm coastal climate and great beaches. Participants might also be interested in the meetings ANZIAM 2005 (Napier, Jan 30 to Feb 3) and Geometry: Interactions with Algebra and Analysis (Auckland, 14-18 Feb).


Here is the registration form for those who are attending. The registration fee is $NZ 120 ($50 for students) if paid before 30 December. Any queries about the conference/registration can be made by writing to conf2005@math.canterbury.ac.nz.

Final Arrangements

Check here for final details. A welcome function is planned for the Monday night 5-7 pm at Old Government House, and a trip to Tiritiri Matangi Island sanctuary on Wednesday (bring lunch and swimming gear).
Rangitoto a volcano in Auckland Harbour
Here is a conference poster.

Organising committee
