NZ Mathematics Research Institute 2004

Summer Workshop


3 - 10 January 2004

Tahuna Beach

The focus of the 2004 NZMRI Summer Workshop is Computational Algebra and Number Theory.

It will feature six outstanding researchers, each giving a series of 3 lectures.

Lecture series

John Cannon (Sydney), The relation method in computational number theory
John Conway (Princeton), Some Things You Can't Hear The Shape Of
Hendrik Lenstra (Berkeley/Leiden), Primality testing
Peter Neumann (Oxford), Calculating probabilities in matrix groups over finite fields
Karl Rubin (Stanford), Counting points on elliptic curves
Charles Sims (Rutgers), Algebraic Algorithms: A Personal Perspective

Other lectures

There will be post-dinner lectures on Sunday, Monday and Thursday.
Hendrik Lenstra (Berkeley/Leiden), Escher and the Droste effect
Cheryl Praeger (Perth), Finding the rank profile of a matrix
M.F. Newman (Canberra), Art and science in extracting information from finite group presentations


Here's the (provisional) list of participants .

Timetable and format

Arrival: by the evening of Saturday 3 January, 2004.
Departure: the afternoon of Saturday 10 January.

Talks will start at 9am Sunday 4 January, and finish by lunchtime Saturday 10 January.
There will be three talks each morning, and one lecture after dinner on each of Sunday, Monday and Thursday.

Here's the (provisional) timetable for the meeting.

Other activities

Wednesday January 7 and all afternoons are free. On Wednesday, David Gauld will
lead an organised excursion to climb Mt Arthur. Here's David's description of the trip.
You may register to take part at the meeting.

We recommend that you take the opportunity to explore the Nelson / Marlborough / Golden Bay region.
Here are descriptions of a series of driving tours in the local area which may be of interest to you.


Tahuna Beach Holiday Park, 70 Beach Road, Tahunanui, Nelson.
Phone +64 3 548 5159 (or 0800 500 501 within New Zealand).
The conference will be held the Function Centre of the Holiday Park.
Here is a map of the region showing the location of Tahuna Beach.


Accommodation is booked at the following locations:
Tahuna Beach
ABA Motel
Courtesy Court Motel
Fountain Motel

Please follow the links to obtain the relevant address and other contact information.

If you registered for the meeting, you should have received email advising
you of your accommodation. Please check your allocated accommodation here.
If you have not received this information or it is inaccurate, please advise us urgently.


Lunch and dinner will be provided at the Function Centre for participants
and their families from Sunday through Friday (except on the free Wednesday).


Accommodation and meals are free to all New Zealand based participants in the workshop.

Contributions towards costs

If a New Zealand based participant is accompanied by a non-participating partner (or by family),
we ask for a contribution of $200-300 ($300-500 respectively) towards costs. We also ask that
participants who have research grants make additional contributions towards costs.
We can provide GST receipts or invoices for this purpose.
Alternatively, participants may wish to make tax-deductible donations to the NZMRI
in support of its mission of enhancing mathematical research in New Zealand and to enable
it to continue running these sorts of meetings in the future.

Support for NZ-based students

Accommodation and meals are normally provided free to all NZ-based student participants.
In addition, the NZMRI provides a limited amount of scholarship support for senior undergraduate
and graduate students from New Zealand universities who participate in the Workshop.
In the recent past, the level of this scholarship support has been $500 per student.
To pay you this scholarship support, we need your regular mail address (valid as of January 2004).
Hence please supply your mailing address when you register.

Australian graduate students

Graduate students based in Australia are eligible to receive a subsidy of
up to AUD$300 each to cover local accommodation and catering costs.
This support is generously provided by the Australian Mathematical Society.
We encourage you to seek travel support from your local institution.

Participants based outside of New Zealand

The NZMRI's funding for the workshop does not permit support
for other participants based outside of New Zealand.

If you are in this category and need information on costs of
accommodation and catering, please contact us directly.

Getting There and Away

Nelson Airport is located only 2 kilometres from the workshop venue.
There are flights connecting Nelson directly, to Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
The airport shuttle service charges about $8 for the ride to Tahuna Beach.
By car, Nelson is a pleasant drive of less than 2 hours (110km) from Picton,
where there are car and passenger ferries connecting with Wellington.

Related Conference: Logic and Computation

The Logic and Computation Program funded by the New Zealand
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (NZIMA) will
hold a workshop at the same Nelson venue from 10 - 16 January 2004.


The organisers and the NZMRI are grateful to the Marsden Fund and the New Zealand
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (NZIMA) for their support of this meeting.


Registration for the meeting closed on September 5.
If you registered for the meeting, you should have received
email confirming your registration, and advising you of your accommodation.
If you did not receive confirmation, please advise us.


The organisers are Marston Conder and Eamonn O'Brien.

Additional information

This page will be updated regularly. To obtain further information, email Eamonn.

Last updated December 8, 2003