function p=shell; %Malcolm Walsh, Chris King %Follows the algorithm of %Kusch and Markus J. theor. Biol. (1996) 178, 333?340 %Replicating several species of mollusc shell. high=1000; wide=500; %r=1; R=2; w1=5; w2=10; m0=0; m1=.3; p=2*10^-3; d=0; %r=2; R=0; w1=6; w2=35; m0=0; m1=0.05; p=2*10^-3; d=0.1; %KM fig 11 r=2; R=0; w1=10; w2=48; m0=0; m1=0; p=2*10^-3; d=0; %KM fig 4 %r=3; R=0; w1=5; w2=12; m0=0; m1=0.22; p=4*10^-3; d=0.19; %KM fig 10 A=[]; B=[]; A1=[]; B1=[]; A2=[]; B2=[]; A=zeros(high,wide); %inhibitor matrix B=zeros(high,wide); %activating matrix A1=zeros(1,wide); A2=zeros(1,wide); B1=zeros(1,wide); B2=zeros(1,wide); for j=1:wide; k=rand; if k>0.5; B(1,j)=1; else end end for i=1:(high-1); for j=(1+max(r,R)):(wide-max(r,R)); N=0; for h=(j-r):(j+r); %for all neighbours of the cell if B(i,h)==1; %adds up how many neighbours are occupied N=N+1; else end end if B(i,j)==1; N=N-1; else end if A(i,j)>=1; if d==0 A1(j)=A(i,j)-1; else A1(j)=round(A(i,j)*(1-d)); end else A1(j)=0; end if B(i,j)==0; x=rand; if xround(m0+m1*A2(j)); B2(j)=1; else B2(j)=B1(j); end else B2(j)=B1(j); end average=0; dummy=0; for g=(j-R):(j+R); %for all neighbours of the cell dummy=dummy+A2(g); end average=(1/((2*R)+1))*(dummy); A(i+1,j)=round(average); if A(i+1,j)>=w2; B(i+1,j)=0; else B(i+1,j)=B2(j); end end end for v=1:high; for y=1:wide; Q(v,y)=B((high+1)-v,y); end end %Q2=Q(1+max(r,R):(high-max(r,R)),5:wide); imat=zeros(401,401,3); Q2=zeros(401,401); for i=1:401 Q2(i,:)=Q(401-i+1,50:450); end Q2=~Q2; for i=1:3 imat(:,:,i)=Q2; end image(imat); %cellgraph(400,400,transpose(Q2)) %cellgraph(wide,high,transpose(Q))